Page 119 of Rough Score

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Shit, I didn’t think about what it might mean if Theresa sees me here and then later tells Juliet that she saw me minutes before I skipped town. What will Juliet think?

“I just came down to donate. My accountant is always hounding me about making them during the tax season. It’s a write-off,” I say, hoping she buys it.

Not that it’s untrue. I am making a donation… I’m making Juliet’s life as easy as I can since I won’t be here anymore to do that day-to-day.

“That’s very thoughtful of you. And I never got a chance to thank you for what you’ve done to help my daughter and my son. I know I’ve been wary of my daughter dating a professional athlete, but you have done so much and you make her very happy.”

Her words hit me. I have just started to crack Theresa's guard against me and within a matter of hours, she’s going to think that I did to her daughter what her ex-husband did to her. I’ll never gain her trust again after this, but it may not matter anyway at this point.

“She means everything to me, and I would do anything to take care of her and protect her,” I say, hoping my words ring through her ears when her daughter calls her in tears later today.

Fuck, the thought of causing Juliet tears make me physically ill.

The door opens to one of the small offices near the reception desk and a woman walks out.

“Theresa, what a pleasant surprise to see you,” the woman in a nice pantsuit says, walking toward us.

“It’s good to see you too,” Theresa says.

She gets close enough that I can see her name tag.

Linda Ottis, Human Resources.

“I’m glad I caught you before you left. I got your application for the Occupational Therapist Assistant position and I discussed it with the head of staff. Unfortunately, that position requires that you either finished your schooling or that you’re enrolled in the course at the time of being accepted for this job.”

Theresa nods back in understanding but her eyes lower to the ground for a moment in disappointment.

“I see, well thank you for looking into it for me. It was worth a try,” Theresa says.

“I believe classes start at the institute next week. If you can get enrolled, I can throw your name in the ring for the position,” the woman in the suit says.

Linda is bright-eyed with excitement at the news she has to share. I don’t know much about Theresa’s work except that she doesn’t make enough money to help Juliet with the monthly payments for this place. I don’t know how much an Occupation Therapist makes but it must be more than she makes now. This seems like a great opportunity for Theresa to work near Jerrin.

“I can’t afford that at the moment,” she says, swatting her hand in the air to act as though she doesn’t feel awkward saying she doesn’t have the money. “Maybe I’ll be able to apply the next time you have an opening.”

“Sure, right… of course. We would love to have a CNA with your years of experience working as a therapist here. Please consider trying again once you get enrolled—you’re a shoo-in,” the woman says, giving Theresa a warm smile.

“Yeah, I’ll do that,” Theresa says, but something tells me she won’t try again. If she doesn’t have the money now, I don’t see how she’ll have the money later. “I’d better get out of here. My shift starts in forty-five minutes.”

Theresa waves to the woman I was talking with in reception and then thanks Linda, giving me a small wave before she heads back out of the building.

As soon as the automatic doors open and she walks out into the parking lot, Linda starts heading back to doing whatever she came out of her office to do.

“Linda,” I call out.

She stops and glances over at me.

“Yes, can I help you?” she asks with a professional smile.

“I think so. Can you tell me the name of the institute that teaches the Occupational Therapy Assistant courses?”

“It’s a program within the WU. You can contact them to get registered.”

I nod. That should be easy enough for my agent to handle. Though I’ve thought that before and now I’m getting deported. This is his chance to redeem himself and take care of things on this side of the continent for me.

“Thanks for your help. Theresa will be enrolled by the end of the week.”

“Oh… ok…” she says, probably wondering who the hell I am and how I know Theresa well enough to make that call for her.
