Page 29 of Rough Score

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Are they not allowed to talk while in costume?

I nod to the security guard even though this whole thing is insane and I wish someone would tell me what’s going on.

The nerves hit me as thousands of people watch the mascot pull me in front of him and then grip around me waist, hoisting me up and over the railing. If I was ever self-conscious about my weight, it would be in this very moment. But if the mascot is struggling to hold me up, he’s hiding it well.

Both security guards on the other side take my hand and help me down while the mascot tosses himself over the railing as comically as possible.

The crowd is cheering and laughing as he gets back to his feet.

“You ready?” the security guard asks.

“For what?”

Please just tell me what’s going on.

I look up to see that Ryker is front and center on the jumbotron standing out on the ice with a smile across his face still.

The stadium is a packed house tonight and being in the spotlight has never been my things. In fact, I’d probably rather swim with a shark than do any public speaking.

“To walk out on the ice. He’s going to take you out there.”

“He’s going to do what?” I say, my voice cracking with nerves.

The mascot doesn’t give me much choice as he takes mine and pulls me the few feet to the opening of the ice rink from the tunnel.

“I’m going out on the ice?”

He doesn’t answer as he steps out onto the ice and watches me take my first step as he gently pulls me out with him.

I’ve never been ice skating a day in my life, and I wouldn’t have selected these chunky three-inch heeled boots if I knew Ryker was going to do this to me.

My thoughts are now debating the options of how I’m going to get back at him for this. If he thinks this is funny, he has a sick sense of humor.

Should I be marrying a man this deviant?

I take one more step, staring down at the glassy ice under my feet with the blade marks from the hockey players earlier.

I hear the sound of metal against ice and then a familiar voice.

“I’ve got her from here. Thanks man.”

I look up to find Ryker standing in front of the mascot.

I shouldn’t feel relief that Ryker is standing close, but with how we snatch me up in the parking lot before I slip, I feel safer with him near. I know Ryker won’t drop me and the realization takes me off guard.

I don’t even know this man but I already trust him not to drop me.

The mascot nods and then carefully hands me over to Ryker.

The Hawkeye leaves the rink quickly, closing the door to the rink behind him.

“What am I doing out here?” I ask but before he answers, he wraps one arm around my waist and pulls me off the ice and against his chest, while his other hand holds the three to four dozen red roses wrapped in tissue paper and cellophane.

A yip squeaks out of me from my surprise and he chuckles. Yet again, bringing attention to my weight and whether or not he can hold me up.

“I won’t drop you, I promise,” he says… and I believe him.

He skates us to the middle of the rink and then sets me down softly onto the ice.
