Page 35 of Rough Score

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Social media?

Exclusive interviews?

Yeah… this is all getting out of hand.

Did Ryker know this would all happen because of his proposal? He must have.

“I wish you would have told us sooner. We wouldn’t have wasted anyone else’s time,” Marjorie says with a kind smile.

“I’m sorry… what?” I ask.

“You’re our captain’s fiancé, soon-to-be wife. We take care of our own around here,” I look over to Autumn who grins over at me as well. “It’s a formality at this point to wait a couple of days before turning down the other candidates, but it goes without saying that the position is yours.”

Just like that? It was that easy?

“Whoa, umm… thank you,” I tell her, stepping forward to shake her hand.

She reaches out for mine as well and I can’t barely believe that I’m shaking on a deal I didn’t think I had any chance of winning.

This is why I’m doing this. To get this contract and make the money, I need to get my brother into better care. Tomorrow, when I head to my brother’s to have our weekly dinner together, I’ll get to tell him he’s going to get to move after all.

Change can be tough for Jerrin, but once he sees the therapy pool and all the other amenities, I think he’ll warm up to it quickly.

Ryker said he could guarantee that if I was his fiancé that I would get the contract and he wasn’t lying. It was practically instant. Now more than ever, it's important that I hold up my part of our deal and help get Ryker his green card.

“I will ask legal to draft everything up and we’ll get the contract sent over to you to review in a day or two,” she tells me, taking a sip on her blueberry mimosas.

“I can’t even tell you what this means to me and my family. I won’t let you down,” I tell her and then look to Autumn to make sure they know that I’m telling them both.

“We have every faith in you,” Marjorie says. “Now go have fun tonight. I’m sure you’d rather watch Ryker out of the ice than chat about work tonight.”

“Congratulations on your engagement,” Sam says looking up at me from the couch. “Ryker is a stand-up guy and you couldn’t have selected a better man to spend your life with.”

I can feel my hands clam up as Sam stares back at me.

His sentiment seems sincere but there’s also a twinkle almost in his eye. Does he know this is all fake? Ryker never told me who on the team knows about his visa issues but it would make sense that he would possibly confide in his GM. Though I wish I knew who is in the loop and who isn’t.

I’ll have to ask tonight if we get alone time together.

“Thank you. I feel very lucky that he picked me,” I say, which isn’t a lie.

Ryker did pick me.

Maybe out of desperation, and because I needed something in return. But nonetheless, he’s a good-looking hockey player with an eight-figure income. Finding someone to play his wife couldn’t really be that hard for him.

“We’ll be in touch soon,” Marjorie says, releasing me from any further conversation.

It’s a relief since all of these people have known Ryker for a long time and if they quiz me on Ryker Haynes trivia, the jig will be up and it will be obvious that Ryker and I don’t know each other at all.

I nod and smile at her, and then give Sam and Phil a smile as well before Autumn turns us around, leading us towards the four-person bar top by the window. Three women and a toddler are waiting for our approach.

I glance out the window to see that the game has started about and the players are all out of the ice.

“Juliet, you know Penelope,” Autumn says as we walk up to the girls at the table.

“Hi Juliet! I had no idea you were dating Ryker,” she says, jumping up from her seat and coming around. “I need to see this ring. You could practically see it sparkle from here.”

Penelope walks over and takes my hand to look at the ring. The other girls “ow” and “ah” too. They all look genuinely happy that I’m engaged to Ryker.
