Page 54 of Rough Score

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I know he really means, “Win me a fat payday for my troubles,” but I’ll take a vote of confidence instead.

Juliet turns and takes a step toward me. She’s ready for this interview to be over and I don’t blame her. I take a step back and wrap my arm around her back to guide her past me toward the exit.

“I appreciate you getting us in on short notice.”

“Anything to help the team. I'll be in touch. And remember, you have to be married for two years before you're an official resident.”

“Right, we understand.”

I’m also ready to leave this office and hope never to have a reason to come back.

Even if we had said anything questionable, Frank probably would have ignored it and signed off on us, anyway.

I don't know how much the man has on the game. But from how quickly he approved us, I'd say it's more than the man can afford to lose.

Juliet and I walk out of the office and down the hall, neither of us saying a word. We walk through the lobby that we checked into not that long before and I push the elevator call button.

The elevator doors open almost instantly. We both walk in, neither of us saying a word until the elevator doors shut.

“That went well,” I say as the elevator begins to descend to the ground floor.

“Tomorrow?” she asks, staring at the elevator doors in front of us.

“Is that going to be a problem?”

“No.” She shakes her head and drops her eyes to the ground for a second before returning them to the elevator. “This is what I agreed to. And you’ve already fulfilled both of your parts of the arrangement. If you want to get married tomorrow, then we'll get married tomorrow,” she says, finally locking eyes with me.

I see the sincerity in her face.

It caught her off guard, which I can relate to, but she’s not getting cold feet.

“We’ll keep it simple. Just a quick courthouse wedding and then we’ll be married.”

The elevator doors open, and we walk inside. I press the lobby button and the elevator starts moving down to the ground level.

“We’ll each need a witness at the courthouse. Do you have someone you can ask?”

“Yes, my friend Shawnie will come. She already agreed.”

“What about your mom? Will she want to be there?”

“No.” She shakes her head. “I don’t think she’ll come.”

Her reluctance to share more information doesn’t surprise me, given her mom's disapproval of her marrying an athlete.

The elevator doors open and we walk out into the lobby and head for the exit to the bustling sidewalk of downtown Seattle.

“Are you still moving in tonight as we planned? Tomorrow we'll head to the courthouse and get married before I leave town for our away games. And then when I get back, we’ll leave for Canada.”

I push the exit door open for her to walk through first.

“Where are we staying once we get there?”

“I have a house in the suburbs. It’s close to the charity event and my mom’s. We'll stay there.”

Juliet isn’t giving much in the way of facial expressions. I can’t read if she’s getting cold feet now that all of this is happening, but asking questions is a good sign.

“What does your mom think about me?” she asks.
