Page 58 of Rough Score

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“Thank you, Ryker. This is more than I expected.”

I want her to like it here. I don’t want her to feel as though the next two years are that much of a sacrifice.

“I'll be back with the rest.”

I turn and head for the door, closing it slightly behind me to give her a little privacy, even though I’ll be back soon.

It takes two more trips to clean out the back of her SUV. Every piece of luggage is packed to the brim. I’m pretty sure the last one only has shoes in it.

On my way back up with the last of the luggage, I hear her on the phone.

“Mom, it's my wedding day. I know… I know that you're not happy. But you don't have to support us. Just please come. Be there for me,” she says. “I know you think he's going to ruin my life. But he's not. I promise you. It's all going to be fine. And we get to move Jerrin in next week.”

I turn around and leave the luggage by the door to give her space.

Her mom won't come.

I already knew she wouldn't, but I was hoping maybe with the fact that we were getting married tomorrow she’d change her mind… for Juliet’s sake.

I know my family would be here if I told them I was getting married. The guilt of keeping this from my family gets heavier the closer Juliet and I get to saying our vows, but coming clean about why Juliet and I are getting married isn’t smart.

The fewer people who know, the better.

Chapter Thirteen


I hear the text notification buzz on my phone.

I told her that Ryker’s apartment was in The Commons so I shouldn’t be surprised she’s showing up.

Oh, Shawnie and her belief in wedding traditions.

Now is not the day for them, but I’ll go willingly, or she’ll just drag me out kicking and screaming. Besides, no matter what this is, fake or “real”, this is the first time I’m getting married.

Moving into Ryker’s last night was a pleasant surprise. Not just because of the nice amenities but also because of how welcoming he’s been since the moment I walked in.

The call with my mother, on the other hand, left me fighting back tears after we got off the phone.

Angry tears or sad tears, I can’t be sure because I never let them drop. Her lack of support hurts but I know she feels she’s already been down the road I’m about to travel and she wants to stop me from going through the same heartache she endured with my dad.

At the end of the day, her absence at the courthouse won’t prevent me from keeping my word to Ryker. She can be upset with me but I know what I'm doing is right for my brother and for the man I’ve committed the next two years to.

The smell of bacon and eggs permeates throughout the house as I exit my bedroom. Though I usually don’t sleep well the first night in a new place, whatever mattress Ryker bought for that bed is pure magic and I slept like a baby… even after the argument with my mother.

I walk out to the kitchen to find Ryker making breakfast… shirtless, in only a pair of navy sweatpants riding low on his hips.

“Good morning,” he says, glancing over his shoulder at me emerging from the hall.

His back is to me as he finishes stirring the eggs and then piles them up on a plate.

“Morning,” I say back.

I try my best not to stare at the bare, broad shoulders of the man I’ll be sharing a roof with for the next twenty-four months.

I distract myself by dropping my purse and shoes by the front door for when Shawnie gets here.

“It smells good in here,” I say as I reenter the kitchen.
