Page 85 of Rough Score

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After we make it through security, Juliet heads to the coffee shop in the terminal and I head to the bathroom.

My phone rings as I pass through the men's bathroom opening.

I pull my phone from my back pocket to see James's name incoming.

"Hey, James. What's up?" I ask, walking towards the commercial-grade bathroom sinks.

"Have you heard anything from Immigration recently?" he asks, the sound of concern coating every word.

It's not like James not to start a phone conversation with a pleasant greeting before jumping right into business. That might be more concerning than the tone of his voice.

"No, why?" I ask, glancing back at my reflection in the bathroom mirror.

"Because Frank wasn't at the poker game last night, and he hasn't missed a game in years."

That's it?

A gambling addict didn't show up for one poker game?

Maybe it's unusual for Frank's behavior but I wouldn't consider it a cause for concern regarding our visa.

"Why would you think that has anything to do with Juliet and I?"

"I heard some whispers that he's on unpaid leave due to a conflict of interest on a Fiancé visa he pushed through."

Now, that might be a reason to be on alert.

"Did they say who the visa was for?" I ask.

"No. But you'll tell me if immigration reaches out to you?"

"Yeah I will but—"

"I have a client walking in, I have to go. I'll keep my ear to the ground to listen for what I can find out. Don't forget to call me if they contact you."

Then the phone goes dead on his end.

What the hell?

Where is this coming from?

And how would anyone in immigration suspect that our K-1 visa is fake? I can only hope that the visa he's on leave for is for someone else. If Frank was willing to bend the rules for us, who knows who else he has bent the rules for?

Still, if this has to do with us, we could be looking at criminal charges. And though I don't want to get deported, I'll never forgive myself if Juliet ends up doing prison time for this.

The biggest question here is, what evidence could they have against us?

And I don't want to admit to her that I based our entire arrangement on an immigration officer with a gambling habit and his own motives for pushing us through.

A detail that I chose not to share with her from the beginning.

Until I know all the facts, I don't won't alarm Juliet.

I take a pee and finish up in the bathroom. Thoughts swirling in my mind of anything that we said in our interview that could have been a red flag. The only person I told was Seven and I know he wouldn't say anything to anyone. Could Juliet have told someone who would have called Immigration on us? Or did Frank say something to someone about pushing my visa through so that I can play in the championship?

There are too many possibilities to be sure of where the information leak came from. I'll have to wait and hope that James finds out that Frank's leave has nothing to do with us. That's the best-case scenario.

I wash my hands and then head out of the bathroom to find Juliet.
