Page 39 of Hidden Monsters

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“How can you be sure?” Caden asked.

Orly set her chopsticks down. She never should’ve kept this information from them but until last night, it had seemed irrelevant. “I was on a city bus and I suddenly had these flashes in my mind. They were like visions, but they weren’t mine. At first, I thought I’d connected with someone who was in trouble, except then I realized the person I was seeing in my mind was me. It was him, showing me that he’d been watching me. Even while I was on the bus. By the time I figured out he was there with me and turned to look behind me, he’d stepped off the bus. I don’t even remember the street or stop we were at.”

“Did he say anything to you?” Caden asked.

“Not at the time. And before you ask, he won’t talk to me unless he wants to.” She’d tried talking to him before, but he only told her things on his terms, like when he’d told her about his victim in Albuquerque.

Caden leaned back in his chair, frustration written all over his face. Garrett didn’t look much better and Luke was practically fuming.

“I’m sorry I didn’t say something sooner. I just didn’t think it would help. I still don’t know anything about him and I know how overwhelming all of this can be, even for me. I can’t imagine what it’s like for someone else. And you’ve all been so nice to me about everything.”

“You should’ve told me the second I met you at that motel,” Luke ground out. He was clearly doing his best to keep his anger in check.

Caden raised a hand. “Take it easy on her. She’s right. There’s only so much information most people can take in before they check out.” Then he turned to Orly. “But we’re not most people. We care about you. And if I know this guy,” he said nodding at Luke, “he’s probably on the verge of giving himself high blood pressure because he knows we have no idea how to protect you from all this right now. Just hearing about what you went through this morning…” Caden shook his head. “You can understand why we’d want to act on every possible threat against you and this is no small threat.”

Orly nodded and turned to Luke. I’m so sorry.

Luke let out a sigh, stood, swooped Orly into his arms, and placed her on his lap. “I told you there’s nothing to be sorry about. I just don’t know how we can survive another incident like the one you had this morning. How you can survive another attack like that.”

Orly was at a loss. And not just for words. The feeling of vulnerability and nakedness in front of Luke and his friends was overwhelming. Don’t. Luke’s word softly floated into her mind. This isn’t an attack or a judgment on you. This is me, worried out of my mind about you, and our friends worried out of their minds for both of us.

Hearing Luke call them ‘our friends’ felt good, even if Orly didn’t feel nearly the same closeness and connection with the guys as Luke did. “He’s not going to be found until he wants to be,” Orly said. “The most I can do is try to block him from my mind, but the stronger he gets, the less successful I am. This morning was obviously an ambush. I have no idea why, but I’m sure it won’t be the last time I hear from him.”

“And what happens then?” Caden asked, his hands gripping the edge of the table in front of him. “What happens when this guy decides to take you on another mind jacking trip? And what if Luke isn’t there or can’t help you? We could lose you,” he added softly.

Orly knew this all too well and she hated there wasn’t anything she could do or say to reassure Luke and his friends. The truth was that she had no idea what the murderer was capable of doing to her.

“I don’t want to see the day that happens. We may not know each other well yet, but I’m hoping to change that. You mean a lot to Luke and that means you mean a lot to us. We protect our own, Orly. So, please, tell me, tell us, how to protect you from this monster.” Caden’s declaration and willingness to do anything for her felt good, but no matter what anyone said, it didn’t change the reality of her situation.

“You can’t. I’ve been running from Russell because he can hurt me physically, but my ability makes me vulnerable in a way that no one can protect me. My mind is at the mercy of anyone who connects to it.” Even as she said the words, she understood the helplessness on Caden’s and Garrett’s faces well, because she’d lived it her whole life. She didn’t even have to look at Luke to know what he was feeling. “There are some things you can’t stop. Can’t protect. And I’m one of them.”

“Fuck that,” Luke growled. “You’re mine and I protect what’s mine.”

If she could’ve wrapped herself up in the mix of frustration and anger Luke felt on her behalf, it would’ve made the best shield against the outside world. But the murderer in her head was illusive and strong. More than that, he was smart. He’d been communicating with Orly for a while now, and he never once let anything slip that could identify him.

Orly turned to look at Luke. And I’ll always be yours. No matter what happens to me.

The pain that shadowed Luke’s beautiful blue eyes was something Orly knew she’d never forget. But the danger associated with her ability was something Orly had to live with and now that Luke was in her life, he would have to, as well.They sat staring at each other for a long moment, taking in each others silent pain and unspoken pleas. Orly had never thought twice about helping someone, never really gave a second thought about the danger it might put her in, as long as she could help the person. Having Luke in her life was changing that. She wasn’t alone in this anymore. She couldn’t be careless, and seeing his pain at hearing about the truth of her life, Orly knew she would do anything to make it better for him. Even if that meant scaling back the people she helped.

Luke shook his head. No. I’ll never stop you from helping anyone. I just want to be there for you. Help you any way I can. If you’ll let me.

Orly pressed a kiss to his mouth, soft and sweet, a gesture meant to reassure this big, strong man, that she’d always let him be there for her.

By the time Caden and Garrett left, the atmosphere had somewhat mellowed. The four of them had talked about other things and even laughed a bit, leaving Orly feeling more at ease. Having a full belly also helped. Luke cleaned up the kitchen and put away the leftovers. She’d wanted to help, but he insisted she sit on the couch and find a movie for them to watch. He joined her soon after, and pulled her into his side, wrapping an arm around her. She leaned into him, feeling safe and protected by his strength and warmth. When the movie ended, Luke carried Orly upstairs. They both did their bedtime routines, and then Luke came into her room and held her as she fell asleep. That night, they didn’t talk or even kiss. He just held her close, sharing his thoughts with her that inevitably made her smile as she drifted off.

The next morning, Orly woke up to find Luke still holding her. “Good morning,” she said, sleepily, unable to hide her smile. This was the first time he hadn’t gone back to his own bed after she fell asleep.

“Did you sleep okay?” Luke asked.

“With you? Always.” It was no secret Orly loved falling asleep with Luke, even if all they did was sleep. “What about you?”

Luke pulled her in closer to him and pressed a kiss to the side of her head. “I’m never sleeping away from you again.”

She couldn’t argue with that. In fact, the only place she wanted to sleep was with Luke. “Sounds good to me.” She stretched and turned to face Luke. “Are you off today?”

Luke nodded. “I’m making use of all the vacation time I’ve racked up.”

Orly smiled. She loved spending the day with Luke, but she didn’t like the overwhelming concern and sadness she was sensing from him. Though she couldn’t blame him for still reeling from yesterday’s events. She was too. Her head still hurt a bit and her muscles still felt like she’d overworked them, but other than that she felt okay.
