Page 13 of His Cowboy

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Reese pulled off his shirt and jeans, setting them on the dresser. Next he pulled off his boxers and tossed them into the hamper. I just watched. This was the first time I was in a room with a man naked, and I was frozen where I stood.

Those muscular arms had held me. His torso was peppered with dark hair, not thick but definitely there. The skin of his legs was slightly paler than his chest and arms, like maybe he worked with his shirt off sometimes.

“Would you like to join me?” he asked. A ghost of a smile played over his lips.

I nodded, but my hands didn’t move.

His did. He pulled at my shirt, and as if by magic, the buttons gave way to the pressure, unbuttoning but not breaking. Next he unbuckled my jeans and pushed them down my legs. I had enough wits about me to step out of them.

His thumb trailed over my cheek and I looked up at him. Our faces were so close to one another that I felt his breath on my cheek. He pulled me closer, but didn’t capture my lips. Instead he tasted my neck. I moaned and tilted my head back.

Next thing I knew I was flat on my back on his bed. His mouth never left my skin. He trailed hot kisses over my neck and over my pecs. My hips bucked as I sought the friction I needed against my leaking cock.

I reached for myself, hoping to stroke myself to release, but Reese beat me to it. He fisted my cock while lapping at my skin with his mouth. He pulled one nipple into his mouth, then the other, all while his hand worked me over.

It was all too fast, too many sensations all at once for a man who’d never had anyone’s hands on him. My cock was impossibly hard and I was so close to release.

“Oh fuck, Reese! I’m going come!” I wanted him to keep going, but also wanted him to stop so I could savor it a little longer. As it was, I was too far gone to stop then. With a few more strokes of his hand, I was releasing spunk on to my stomach. He let go of my nipple and lapped at the warm come covering my abs. I shivered as his tongue trailed over my skin.

After a moment, I reached for him, wanting to return the favor. He stopped me.

“Is this your first time, Perry?”

I blushed.

Reese tucked a finger under my chin and lifted my face until I met his gaze.

I nodded. “It is.”

“I’d like to make love to you, please. If you want that.”

I nodded. “Yes. Please yes. So much.”

“Flip over, baby. This might be easier on your stomach for the first time. I want to make it good for you.”

I couldn’t find words; instead I pressed my lips to his quickly, then flipped so I was on my stomach. He guided my legs up, so they were pulled underneath me. I relaxed, despite the very vulnerable position I was in. This was Reese and I knew he’d never hurt me. Not intentionally.

The trust I had for him had been building since the moment I drove into the Triple R driveway and found my long lost horse here.

He was gone from the bed for a moment and when he returned, he palmed my ass checks and blew a breath over my hole. I shivered at the sensation.

Then his tongue was there, lapping at my entrance. I moaned and buried my face in the pillow. Thank god he couldn’t see how red my face was getting. Oh Lord, I had Reese’s tongue buried in my ass!

My cock grew hard while the rest of my body turned to jelly. My skin heated, the room feeling like we were in a sauna. My legs quivered until I was sure I was going to collapse into a pile of goo, but somehow they held me.

“Oh, fuck! Reese!” I cried out when he breached me with two fingers. Or maybe it was three. The sensations were all too much, and I couldn’t keep track of where he was at any time. I wanted more of him. I wanted all of him.

I became a writhing mess beneath him. Then he was covering me, his chest flush against my back. He kissed my skin and whispered softly to me. I didn’t understand the words, but I knew their intention. I relaxed and opened for him, and he slid his cock inside me. He had put a condom on, I’d heard the foil packet. I wished he hadn’t, but it was the safest way, obviously.

“Oh, Reese. More. More!”

He pushed inside me, filling me to the brim. Just when I thought I would burst with need, he pulled out.

His thrusts were constant. He pushed me to the edge, then pulled me back again and again. My body quaked with need, and he was close too. His arms shook as he held himself above me.

“Need you, Reese. Come inside me, please. Need you!”

He thrust hard, one last time, before his hips jerked as he filled the condom. I gripped the sheets and my body clamped down around him.
