Page 20 of His Cowboy

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I had my computer open in front of me, but it had long since gone to sleep after not interacting with it for long enough. I had mountains of paperwork to figure out, applications to submit, applications to review, plans to solidify for upcoming shows, transport to arrange, but I was doing none of it.

Usually paperwork was a nice break from the back-breaking work that was my everyday. But today it was nothing of the sort.

“There you are,” my brother said as he came into my office. The office was a little room attached to the tack room, out of the way so that most people didn’t even realize it was there. It allowed me to be a part of the barn, without being front and center. It also helped to minimize being interrupted all the time.

“It’s a nice day. I’m surprised to see you tucked in here,” he said.

“Trying to catch up on work,” I said. There was no emotion in my voice as I said the words. I couldn’t even fake it. My brother would see right through it.

He leaned over and looked at the screen. “Yes. Hard at work, I see.”

I flipped him the bird.

“What troubles you, Mr. Decisive? I’ve never seen you so contemplative.”

“Perry,” I said.

“Yes, man troubles. I hear you.”

I sighed, deciding that it was bound to come out sooner or later. It wasn’t as if my family wasn’t going to know my intentions toward Perry sooner or later. “At dinner the other night, he expressed concerns that he is mooching off of me, not pulling his weight. I did my best to change his mind, but I am not sure if the message was received.” The fact that I was revealing this to my brother surprised me. Generally, he gave good advice, if I could decipher any of it through the merciless teasing and jokes.

Rory chuckled softly. “For a man who grew up in a pampered lifestyle, he’s sure got a different work ethic.”

I nodded. Both Rory and I had done some digging into his family since having him move here. His mother was a piece of work and if I had it my way I would have her cut out of his life completely. Perry hadn’t mentioned her to me, so I didn’t even know if they kept in contact much. I’d learned all I needed to know about her the day she sold her son’s beloved horse to a perfect stranger and didn’t bother to let him say goodbye or tell him where the horse was going.

“If it was up to me, he wouldn’t lift a finger for the rest of his life unless he wanted to.”

“You want to keep him home?”

“I want to keep him.” The where didn’t matter to me. I just wanted Perry happy. Content. And wanting for nothing.

“So, it’s not really indecisiveness. You’re contemplating how to keep him? You know for sure that this is the man for you, but you need to convince him?”



My brow furrowed.

Rory shrugged. “I’m serious. It will take time to convince him that you are sincere. I’m guessing you want to lock that down right now, put a ring on it or whatever. Sign over half the ranch to him, whatever it takes to get him to understand that you are his and he is yours.”

“Exactly.” I’d already drawn up paperwork so that he had sole ownership of Blossom and her colt.

“It’s not going to work like that. It’s going to take time.”

“Blossom’s title is in his name. He’s listed as owner of her and her colt. I’ll sign over half the ranch if that’s what it takes. He’s it for me. I don’t care about his bank account or how little or how much he works. I don’t care if I have more than him. He’s mine. He’s… Perry.” It was as simple as that. I’d given my heart to the man, whether he knew it or not.

“I don’t think Perry wants assets. He wants to be useful and contribute. He has a work ethic not unlike your own.”

“He is contributing. He’s always helping with chores.”

We were quiet for a moment.

“I want to pay for his vet school, but I’m afraid if I even mention that, he’s going to go ballistic. I’ll scare him away.”

Rory narrowed his eyes. “Why do I get the feeling there’s something you’re not telling me?”
