Page 64 of Griz Rides Tall

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“I don’t know if there is a me and Griz,” Becca said. “That’s what I’m saying. It was so… spontaneous, and unexpected, and… I don’t know. I don’t know.”

“Do you like him?” Kate said.

Now it was Becca’s turn to think over her answer before speaking.

“He’s… I don’t know what I think,” she said. “For a second there, I thought, maybe, but now I see all this craziness and I don’t think I want to be a part of any of it. This is his life, all this… people getting shot… and I don’t want any part of that.”

“I know.”

“It was so much of a stretch to begin with,” Becca said. “The motorcycles, the tattoos, the… flannel. But I was kind of wrapping my head around it, I guess. He is sweet.”

“Griz is definitely that,” Kate said.

“He’s loyal. And he’s brave. I mean, the guys I used to date, I can’t imagine any of them getting in the way of a bullet for me. But Griz did. And his dad.”

“It does show that they really care about you.”

“God! That’s the problem, though!” Becca said. “They shouldn’t have to! Back in my world, nobody ever shoots at anybody.”

“But if they did?”

“Pfff,” Becca scoffed. “The guys I’m used to would pee in their pants and run away. Probably push me in the way of the bullets so they could escape instead of me.”

“Wyatt would never do that to me,” Kate said. “Or Griz to you. They may come with baggage, Becks, but they are also fiercely loyal and willing to do anything to protect what’s theirs. I remember when I first met Wyatt, I told him about the trouble I was having with my supervisor at work.”

“I remember that,” Becca said. “Every time we talked on the phone, you were telling me another story about how she was messing everything up and making your life miserable.”

“That’s right. And as soon as Wyatt heard about it, he went and took care of it,” Kate said. “I remember thinking, nobody else has ever done anything like that for me before. Taken charge like that. Not just said that he cared, but showed it, by doing something nobody else would do.”

Becca considered that for a bit. Kate did have a point. Most of the guys she’d dated were just sort of travelling through her life, matched up with her more from convenience than anything else.

Had any of them ever actually stood up for her? Sacrificed for her? Put themselves at risk for her? She couldn’t think of a single instance.

But Griz, he had stepped up for her several times already, before they were even together. Even while she called him names and treated him like a rotten pile of vegetables.

Maybe that was why she was freaking out so much. She’d finally found a man who would do anything for her, but it came with the constant threat of losing him.

“When Griz got shot through the doorway, I thought he was dead,” Becca said. “Like, I really thought it. And I don’t ever want to feel like that again. So maybe it’s better if I just don’t get close to him.”

“You can’t spend your life not getting close to anybody,” Kate said.

“Well,” Becca said, “actually, yes, you can.”

“Come on, Becks. You know that’s no way to live.”

“I know,” Becca said with a shrug. “But maybe it’s not worth it to get close to someone whose life is so dangerous.”

“Dangerous is one word for it,” Kate said.

“Like, the only word,” Becca said. “What word would you use for it?”

“Exciting, maybe. Vibrant.”


“Before I got together with Wyatt, my life felt gray,” Kate said. “Now, it feels like it’s full of bright colors. But it comes at a cost. Freedom comes with risk. That’s what Wyatt told me once.”

“Griz said that, too,” Becca said. “He said it came from Boomer.”
