Page 120 of Pony Rides Fast

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“That’s putting it mildly,” Pony said with a little snort. “It’s just shy of a war.”

“Navarro wants the MC taken down,” Piper explained. “He hasn’t been able to do it himself. So he leans on Harris, an FBI agent that he’s got in his pocket due to his gambling debts or whatever.”

“Tells Harris he’s got to take out the MC, using his position at the FBI,” Pony said. “Make it look legit.”

“Exactly. And he can’t do it himself. He needs someone to go in undercover, find some dirt on the MC, and use that to justify an FBI case against you.”

“And if Harris can’t find dirt?”

“Then he needs to be able to leverage that undercover agent,” Piper said. “Me, in other words. That bastard. That bastard. From the start, he groomed me for this.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, remember, I was working Accounting before this.”

Pony said, “I still have trouble believing you were ever an accountant.”

“Believe it,” Piper said. “There I was, riding a desk, feeling like I was standing still all day. And Harris, who needed an operative, finds me, idealistic Piper, who he finds out likes to ride motorcycles and dreams of taking the fight to criminals in some way more exciting than staring at spreadsheets all day.”

“Yeah, you said he recruited you,” Pony said.

“More than that. He sent me to Juarez, to see all of that cartel violence first hand. He knew I’d never seen anything like that before, not up close, and he knew how it would affect me. I came back from that trip so gung ho to take the fight to the cartel that I would’ve signed up for anything.”

“He was grooming you for the position he needed,” Pony said. “Manipulating you into who he needed you to be.”

“How I do I fit into this?” Carly said.

“Because maybe my being gung ho wouldn’t be enough,” Piper said. “Maybe if push came to shove and he asked me to do something illegal or unethical… like, say, planting evidence in the MC clubhouse… I might still tell him to go fuck himself.”

“But if your sister was in trouble, and a win in Harris’s column were to give you the influence to get her out of it…” Pony said.

“…I might still be a good little soldier and follow his orders, no matter how fucked up and illegal they might be,” Piper finished.

“So he arrested me in order to be able to extort you?” Carly said.

“He set up your arrest. Paid Bailey. Probably sent him a bribe and some basic instructions, maybe even got the drugs from Navarro’s people to plant on you at the arrest.”

“That’s so fucked up,” Carly said. “I told you those charges were bullshit.”

“I always knew they were.”

“God,” Carly said. “That’s so evil. Bribing a local Philly cop to frame me, just so he could use it to manipulate you?”

“Yeah,” Piper said, thinking it through. “Yeah. But we might also be able to use it against him.”


“Loose lips sink ships.”

Carly said, “Okay?”

“The problem with recruiting conspirators is, they can turn on you,” Piper said. “Any person you let in on your plan, is someone who can betray you.”

Pony said, “Flip Bailey, against Harris?”

“If we can. We find a way to get Bailey to either confess, or implicate himself, and use that to force him to give up Harris. Get him to admit that Harris paid him to frame Carly.”

“Hang on,” Carly said, “so fixing your problem might fix mine at the same time?”
