Page 96 of Pony Rides Fast

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“This is the MC clubhouse?”

“Yes,” Piper said.

“And our being here is a… good idea?”

“No one is going to hurt you or your sister,” Pony said. “Not while I’m alive.”

“That’s intense,” Carly said. “Everything has gotten very, very intense.”

“Stay close,” Piper said, and Pony led them into the clubhouse.

A few of the brothers were inside. The second Pony and company stepped inside, everything stopped what they were doing and stared.

It was pretty much the reception Pony had expected. He’d already given them the news about Piper, and let them know he was coming in with them. Now, the faces that normally would’ve been grinning and welcoming were stone-faced and cold.

“Got your call, Pony,” Jocko said, leaving his seat at the bar to approach them.

“Oh, wow,” Carly said, looking Jocko’s physique up and down blatantly. “So, you guys have, like, a gym in here or something?”

“Who’s this?”

“This is Carly,” Pony said. “Piper’s sister.”

Jocko looked Carly over with a slight smile creeping onto his lips. “I see.”

“Back all the way off, Jocko,” Piper said. “My sister is off limits.”

“Let’s not be hasty, Piper,” Carly said. “Let the hot biker guy with the really low body fat say what he has to say.”

“Carly, Jocko’s dee has seen more vee than a gynecologist. God only knows what it’s infested with.”

“You’re not exactly in a position to talk shit, Piper.”

“Ease back, Jocko,” Pony said. “She’s here under my protection.”

“The fuck, man? You protecting snitches, now?”

“If anyone’s got reason to be pissed at her, it’s me. But the club needs to hear what she has to say.”

“Fair enough, man,” Jocko said, then added toward Carly. “Nice sweatpants.”

“Thanks. They’re from Target,” Carly said, pronouncing it Tar-zhay.

Pony led the two sisters away from Jocko, before something could go sideways. Between the angry faces, Jocko’s unrestrained man-whoring, and Piper’s overprotectiveness towards her sister, it felt like someone was playing with matches in a dynamite factory.

“Wait in there,” Pony said, pointing the two of them into the empty kitchen. “The brothers are still coming in. We’ll start our meeting once they’re here.”

“Do you guys have any…” Carly began to say, but Piper shushed her and dragged her into the kitchen.

Pony blew out a breath at the momentary respite. He still wasn’t sure this was a good idea. Or even what he was doing, exactly. How he felt about Piper. How he felt about anything.But it seemed like the only way he was going to be able to sort it all out in his head, was here with his brothers.

In the meeting room, Wyatt, Griz, and Devil were already kicked back in chairs, clearly waiting for him. Pony took his seat silently, waiting for one of them to say something first.

“Pretty fucked up, dude,” Devil said.


Griz said, “So, you know we’re going to have to kill her, right?”

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