Page 54 of Unlikely Protector

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“Let’s take a break from thinking about it and talk about something fun,” Katie suggests over the crackle of popping corn.

“Like when our next girls’ night should be?” I suggest, playfully rough housing with Boris.

“Or how things are going with this secret admirer you refuse to tell me anything about,” Katie suggests cheekily.

I groan. “I’ve told you, I can’t talk about it. Papachka would kill me if he found out—or more realistically, the guy I’m seeing. You don’t want his death on your conscience, do you? Not to mention, I would never forgive you if I survived. And if I died, I would definitely come back and haunt you.”

Katie rolls her eyes. “You’re so dramatic. I’m not going to tell anyone, so how would he find out from me?”

“That’s the thing, Katie. I can’t lay that burden on your shoulders. My father is very good at getting information from people. But if you don’t know, then the knowledge can’t hurt you.”

“I just think that’s super unfair when I’ve been covering for you for, like, a month now!” she objects.

As the last kernels pop and topple from the popper into the waiting bowl, Katie unplugs the machine and flavors the snack with salt and parmesan. Then she slumps onto the floor beside me, sharing the tasty treat between us.

Boris lasers in on the food, his attention undivided as he hopes for one of us to buckle and toss him a piece.

“I appreciate you for it. Really, I do,” I say, growing more serious as I meet Katie’s green eyes. “It’s so nice to actually date someone I like without my family breathing down my neck, questioning whether I’ve made an acceptable choice.”

Since we started school again, I’ve been using it as an excuse to spend time with Mishka. Katie agreed to let me come to her house to study, then she watches Boris while I slip out the back window and down the fire escape to see Mishka.

It’s become a necessary ruse in order to ditch my bodyguard—a new addition my father has insisted upon until they can find who’s responsible for the ambush on the road.

“You know I would do anything for you, girl,” Katie says, bumping my shoulder with hers.

“Because you’re the best,” I say, bumping her right back. Then I grab a handful of popcorn and toss one in my mouth.

Boris releases a disappointed groan, his head tilting to the side. After a moment’s frustration, he lets out a huff and drops his head onto his paws, lying at my feet.

“Good boy, Boris,” I praise.

The hardest part of having the most adorable dog in the world is not overfeeding him because he has such a good begging face.

“How about you tell me just a little bit about this super-sexy mystery man?” Katie pleads, bringing the subject back around.

“Katie,” I groan, dropping my head back against the cabinet.

“It doesn’t have to be anything specific—especially if I know him.” Katie gasps. “Wait, that’s it. You don’t want to talk about him because you’re worried I’ll recognize who it is! Does he go to our school? Is he in one of our classes?” she presses, grasping my wrist.

Scowling at her, I intentionally shove my entire handful of popcorn into my mouth as a signal that I won’t be talking. But the truth is, she hit the nail on the head. I doubt she would jump to Mishka right away if she started guessing, but if I gave her any clues, it wouldn’t take much to get her there. After all, we don’t associate with many guys like him.

“Will you tell me if I guess it right?” she suggests, her eyes dancing as she ignores my blatant sign. “Oh, my God, is it Brad Holland? Lance Davies? Oh, oh, I know, Stephen Perry.”

Swallowing my mouthful, I stand up. “Katie, give it a rest. I’m not going to tell you even if you guess it.”

She follows me up, bringing the bowl with her as I head back into the living room to continue studying.

“Fine.” She pouts. “Can I at least hear how it’s going? I mean, all I get to know is what I see—which is that he doesn’t always show up when he says he will, and you nearly cry every time that happens.”

I open my mouth to object, to defend Mishka in some way, but Katie holds up a hand to stop me.

“I also can see how happy you are every time you do spend time with him. So, what is it you two do? And how serious is this getting?”

Sighing, I plop onto the couch as I resign myself to giving my friend something. Katie’s been nothing but loyal, and it’s been torture not telling her anything. When my heart feels full to bursting every time I’m with Mishka, it’s painful not to tell anyone how happy I am.

“Well, when we do spend time together, he’ll often take me out dancing,” I say, knowing that will throw her off Mishka’s trail almost immediately.

But it’s true. And God, I love dancing with him. His moves are sexy as sin, and it’s the perfect excuse to have his hands all over me. Not that we need an excuse. I’ve had more sex in the past month than the rest of my life combined, and sex with Mishka isn’t just mind-blowing. It makes me feel as though two people could actually be made for each other.
