Page 20 of Kiana's Hero

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“I will. We’re heading to the bar where Ms. O’Neil’s boyfriend works.”

“Oh yeah?” George said. “Which one?”

“The Big Wave,” Dev said.

“Ha.” George laughed. “We’ve been there. It's a little off the beaten path. Attracts more locals.”

“Good to know. Headed there now.”

“Let us know if we can help,” George reminded him.

“Will do.” Dev ended the call.

“Someone you know is on Oahu?” Kiana asked.

Dev nodded. “We came to Hawaii as a team to work for the Brotherhood Protectors. Our boss, Hawk, thought it would be a good idea for us to familiarize ourselves with the lay of the land and split us up on a few of the islands. Reid, Angel, Teller and I landed on Maui. George, Rex and Logan got Oahu, and the others are on Kauai.”

Kiana’s eyes widened. “I hadn’t realized until now that there were more than the four of you I met on Maui, and your boss, Hawk.”

“Hank Patterson thought it would be a good idea to have an office here, considering how many people visit and how far it is from the mainland.”

“I’m glad he made that decision,” Kiana said softly. “I’d hate to think of looking for Meredith on my own. And it comforts me to know your friend Reid is looking out for Tish while she’s defenseless in the hospital.” She drew in a deep breath. “I’m so worried for Meredith. I can’t imagine what trouble she’s in. I hope she’s okay.”

Dev reached across the table for Kiana’s hand. “We’ll find her.”

She laid her hand in his. “Thank you for helping.”

He squeezed her fingers gently. “Ready?”

Kiana nodded.

Dev waved down the waitress, paid the bill and escorted Kiana out of the restaurant.

As they walked the short distance to the bar, Dev remained fully aware of their surroundings. While they’d been at the restaurant, the sun had set, streetlights glowed and people hurried along the streets in cars, on bicycles and walking, in a hurry to get home or to work in the service industry.

At the entrance to the Big Wave, Dev held the door for Kiana. As she passed through, he took her hand and held it all the way to the bar. He wanted the other patrons to think they were together to eliminate the added distraction of other men hitting on the beautiful Kiana. If he were them, he’d want to.

Her native Hawaiian beauty had captivated him the first time he’d seen her at the resort on Maui. From the moment they’d checked in, she’d made it abundantly clear she wasn’t interested in anything more than a business relationship. When he'd volunteered to take the mission, she’d spelled it out. He remembered what she’d said, word for word.

“I don’t need a date. I don’t want a relationship. I’m not going to fall in love with you. I’d appreciate it if you’d refrain from hitting on me, calling me sweetheart, and, for God’s sake, don’t fancy yourself falling in love with me.”

He’d liked her frankness and spunk. He also liked how her hand felt in his—strong yet supple, her skin soft against his. At that moment, he imagined those hands sliding across his naked body.

Dev’s groin tightened.

Hell, he needed to shut down those thoughts immediately. Falling in love with her was out of the question. That didn’t stop his body from responding to her nearness.

He wondered why she was so adamant about not wanting a relationship. There had to be a reason. Some bastard might have broken her heart.

Dev found two bar stools at the far end of the bar and helped Kiana up into hers before settling in beside her.

The bartender, an older, burly man with short, spiked gray hair, was busy filling beer mugs from the tap. Once he set them on a tray for the waitress, he made his way to the end of the bar where Dev and Kiana sat. “What can I get you?”

Kiana gave the bartender her lovely smile. “White wine.”

The bartender nodded and looked at Dev.

“Whiskey on the rocks,” Dev said.
