Page 47 of Kiana's Hero

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“Actually, I was able to get his address and the phone number for the man in California who was listed as a close relative to Meredith. I’ll text both to you. As soon as I get the birth certificates of Martina Akana’s babies, I’ll get that info to you, as well.”

“Thanks. Anything helps,” Kiana said.

“I’ll get to work on that,” Swede said. “Out here.”

Kiana ended the call and held his cell phone in her hand. “What next? I feel like we’ve hit a wall.”

A text came through on Dev’s phone. Kiana stared down at it. “We have Jason Unger’s address. Meredith’s boyfriend.” She entered it into the map application on Dev’s phone. “Guess we’ll pay a visit to his apartment. Wouldn’t it be great if he was actually there?”

“If he is, he’s in danger,” Dev pointed out.

“True,” she sighed. “It’s better than driving around Honolulu aimlessly. We have to find another clue soon. I’ll let your guy George know we’re headed that way.”

“Good.” Dev followed the directions to an apartment complex near where Meredith and Tish lived. It didn’t look any different than most of the complexes where the city's working people lived. Not the fancy high-rises that housed the tourists with views of the water. This one was tucked into a neighborhood of other complexes, small businesses and some older homes.

After parking in the lot, Dev reached out and caught Kiana’s arm before she could open her door. “If we’re looking here for Meredith, whoever is searching for her will have been here as well and could be watching for her potential return.”

Kiana nodded. “Right.”

“Stay close and keep your eyes and ears open for anyone lurking in the shadows.”

She nodded. “Will do.”

Dev had a bad feeling in his gut. He almost aborted the mission to check out Jason’s apartment because of that feeling. His hand went to the gun in the holster beneath his lightweight jacket. A firearm was only useful if he saw the threat first. He debated having Kiana wait in the car for him but didn’t like the idea of her being out of his sight for even a moment.

Dev got out of the car and rounded the front of the vehicle to open Kiana’s door for her.

He liked that she stayed inside the car until he did. After the attacks at Tish’s apartment and the Big Wave, she had to be a little more cautious. Most people didn’t leave their homes or cars expecting to be jumped by a motorcycle gang. It had to have been eye-opening or Kiana.

He took her hand and helped her out of her seat and onto her feet, tugging a little more than was necessary to get her to land in his arms.

“Mmm,” she said. “I like this.”

“Sweetheart, you have no idea how much I like it, too.”

Kiana chuckled. “I have an inkling.” She pressed her hips closer to his hardening cock.

“Don’t tempt me here. I need to focus.” Dev brushed his lips across hers in a brief kiss. “Have I told you today how much I enjoyed last night?”

“Tell me again,” she said with a smile.

His arms tightened around her. “I enjoyed last night.”

“Me, too,” she said, her smile fading. “Part of me doesn’t feel right with how much I liked what happened last night. Especially when Meredith is still missing.” She leaned up on her toes and kissed his lips again. “The other part of me was thrilled.”

“I have to tell you, at the expense of going against the no-strings promise,” he started, “I don’t want it to end. We don’t have to discuss this now, but I want more time with you.” He touched a finger to her lips. “For now, let’s find Meredith. We can talk once she’s safe.”

Kiana stared up into his eyes, kissed the finger still on her lips and nodded. “Okay. Let’s see if Jason’s home.”

They entered the building, climbed the stairs to the second floor and found the apartment number Swede had given them.

Dev knocked on the door. When no one answered, he pressed his ear to the door. “I don’t hear anything. I assume he’s not home.”

“What if he’s hiding inside?” Kiana said. “At the least, we need to get inside and see if there are any signs Meredith has been here recently.”

“You realize that’s breaking and entering,” Dev said.

She nodded, digging her hand into her purse. “I like to think it’s not breaking if we don’t actually break anything. And getting inside is for a good cause.” She pulled out a small metal file.
