Page 57 of Kiana's Hero

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Logan took an alternate route while Dev followed the black van at a safe distance all the way to the airport, where they drove around to the general aviation entrance. They parked outside the designated hangar, and all entered.

Hawk, Angelo Cortez, Teller Osgood, Levi Evans, Jackson Jones and Cord Mendez were all there. How they’d arrived so soon was beyond Dev’s comprehension.

Hawk made things happen.

“What I sight for sore eyes.” Dev shook hands and hugged the members of his team and the man he’d served with or worked with after they’d left the military. He was glad to see them and to see Hawk. If they ended up taking on the Demons, they’d need all the help they could get.

Hawk crossed to Silas, Lacy and their baby. “They’re topping off the fuel on the plane. As soon as they’re done, the pilot will file a flight plan to take Lacy and the baby to the mainland. My boss, Hank Patterson, has arranged for them to be taken directly to his ranch in Montana, where they will be safe until you can join them.”

Silas stuck out his hand to Hawk. “Thank you. I would’ve left the Demons a year ago if I could’ve been certain of Lacy’s safety.”

“We appreciate that you were willing to let us in on the plan for the drug exchange,” Hawk said. “Lacy and the baby can board the plane now. As soon as they’re finished fueling up, they’ll leave.”

Silas turned to Lacy and pulled her and the baby into his arms. “Know that I love you and little Luke. Whatever happens, keep him safe.”

“Nothing’s going to happen to you,” Lace insisted. “You’re coming to Montana.”

“That’s right, babe,” he said, kissing her and then kissing the baby’s cheek. “Take care of your mama, my man.” When he raised his head, his jaw firmed. “Now, go.”

Lacy’s eyes filled, but she gathered the baby close and let Hawk lead her from the hangar to the waiting plane.

Dev laid a hand on Silas’s back. “They’ll be safe.”

“How will they survive if I don’t return?” Silas asked, his gaze on Lacy as she climbed the steps up into the plane.

“Hank Patterson and his wife will make sure they’re taken care of. You don’t have to worry about them.” Dev squared his shoulders. “Just focus on getting to the exchange site.”

Silas nodded and turned away. “Okay. Tell me what you want me to do.”

Once Hawk rejoined them, the men and Kiana gathered in a conference room at one end of the hangar.

“How are you going to follow me to the exchange without being detected by the Demons?” Silas asked.

“We’ll send you in with a tracking device,” Hawk said. “We’ll follow at a safer distance and move in as your guys are establishing a perimeter.”

Silas’s lips pursed. “Be aware; the Demons won’t be the only ones making sure the exchange goes down without a hitch.”

Dev’s lips thinned. “We understand the Demons operate with immunity when it comes to the Honolulu Police.”

The big biker nodded. “They will have a presence in the area to keep others out.”

“Good to know,” Hawk said. “Are there any other organizations protecting the Demons we should know about?”

Silas snorted. “Isn’t that enough?”

Hawk’s chin rose. “The Brotherhood Protectors consist of men who served as Navy SEALs, Delta Force, Marine Force Recon, Rangers and more. Each man has had multiple deployments to hot zones, fighting enemies much more ruthless than the Demons. I’m not saying we’re perfect, but we get the job done, no matter how hard it is or how long it takes.”

Silas nodded. “Yeah, but here, you don’t always know who is a friend and who is an enemy.”

Dev chuckled. “We’re very familiar with that scenario.”

“Are you going to try to stop the exchange?” Silas asked.

Hawk’s brow dipped. “I’m not sure. Even with the men I was able to gather, we won’t have enough manpower to bring down the Demons. Right now, let’s get you set up with a tracking device. We’re giving you one with a panic button. If you’re found out, you can hit the button, and we’ll have someone there as soon as possible.”

Silas’s lips pressed together. “Hopefully, before Rocko blows a hole through me or someone else stabs me in the back.”

“If you’re not okay with doing this, speak now,” Hawk said. “We’ll send you on that plane with Lacy and Luke.”
