Page 58 of Kiana's Hero

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Dev frowned. If Silas chose to leave at that moment, they didn’t have a chance in hell of finding the exchange site.

Silas shook his head. “No. They’ll call off the exchange if I don’t show up at the designated time and location.”

“Is the location and time pre-planned?” Dev asked.

“No,” Silas said. “Rocko will text everyone with a special code. I’ll need my cell phone for that.”

Dev dug Silas’s cell phone from his pocket and handed it to him. “I turned it off at the apartment complex in case your gang monitors your location.”

Silas nodded. “Good thing you did. I’m sure Rocko tracks us.”

“Will he wonder why your phone is off?” Kiana asked.

He nodded. “I can tell him I forgot to charge it, and it went dead,” Silas pocketed the cell phone. “I’ll turn it on as soon as I get away from the airport and back closer to the apartment building I was supposed to be watching. I need to get going in case he’s already sent out the meeting notice for this evening. You know you can’t contact me on my cell phone. I can’t risk Rocko getting hold of it.”

Dev nodded. “All we need is for you to get to the exchange site just like you usually do. We’ll take it from there.”

Silas drew in a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Just like usual.”

Dev held out his hand. “I know the risk you’re taking. Thank you for doing this.”

Silas took Dev’s hand. “Take care of my family.”

“We will.” Dev shook the man’s hand. He knew he shouldn’t, but the look in Silas’s eyes made Dev lean toward trusting the man. “Be careful.”

“You, too,” Silas glanced toward the open bay where he could look out and see the plane containing the woman and child he loved enough to betray the gang.

The engines revved, and the plane rolled slowly out to the taxi lane, picking up speed. Soon, the small jet raced down the runway and lifted off the ground.

“They should be in Montana in six hours,” Hawk said. “Hank will meet them at the airport.”

Silas nodded, his eyes glassy. Then he turned to Logan.

Logan tipped his head toward the motorcycle he’d parked inside the hangar. “It’s all yours.”

Silas lifted his chin toward Kiana. “I hope you find your friend.” Then he strode toward the motorcycle.

Logan hurried for the door leading out of the hangar and held it open.

Silas drove through and out into the late afternoon sunshine.

“Do you think he’ll ditch the tracker?” Kiana asked.

Dev turned to find her standing beside him, her gaze on the door through which Silas had gone.

“If he does, we had Logan tag the motorcycle with another tracker.” He slipped his arm around Kiana and pulled her close. “One way or another, we’ll find that exchange site.”

He turned to his team. “Now that Silas is gone, what’s our plan?”

Hawk motioned for the team to gather around. “I notified my contacts on SEAL Team One, stationed at Pearl Harbor. They’re gearing up as we speak. They’ll move out when we move out and will be tapped into our comms. They promised a ten-man team.”

“Are we taking down the gang and the drug transfer element?” Dev asked.

Hawk nodded. “SEAL Team One will set up on the outer perimeter. We agreed they would provide a contingent to create a distraction that will keep the Honolulu Police occupied while our team moves in. The rest of their team will augment ours as we move in.” He nodded toward George. “George will man the communications van we’ll have parked on the periphery. Everyone else will move in while the Demons set up their perimeter.”

In the pause in Hawk’s directions, a voice sounded behind Dev. “What about me?”

All gazes turned toward Kiana.
