Page 79 of Kiana's Hero

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“Wait until he experiences a winter in Montana. Once he feels minus forty degrees, he might pack up and move back to Hawaii.”

“I bet he stays. If not for himself, then for his family. “How are Lacy and Luke?”

“Lacy is working as Sadie’s housekeeper and helps with their two children when Sadie’s away, working on a film. Luke is learning to walk. He and Sadie’s son, McClain, enjoy playing together.”

Kiana sighed. “I’m happy for them. I hope they make it back to Oahu someday on vacation. I’d like to see them.”

“You don’t see them moving back?” Dev asked.

Kiana shook her head. “Why would they? It’s expensive living here. Besides, Silas wouldn’t risk Lacy and Luke’s lives.”

“All the gang members have been either jailed or warned that their terrorism days are over. The new police chief isn’t going to put up with their shenanigans again. Three strikes and they’re out. Most have already had their strikes. They’ll end up in jail if they commit another crime.”

“Crime has gone down since the assistant police chief was arrested and the officers he used to do his dirty work were fired,” Kiana said. “Honolulu is a lot safer place than it was before your team broke up the drug trafficking ring.”

“Are you glad you moved back to Oahu?” he asked.

She nodded. “It was nice that the resort I worked for on Maui found me an assistant resort manager position with one of their sister resorts here on Oahu. I get to be closer to my sisters, Meredith, Tina and Tish. It’s like we’ve known each other all our lives. We’ve become even closer since we had our mother’s celebration of life. Uncle Joe was a big help with the preparations.”

“Is there any other reason you’re glad you moved back to Oahu?” Dev asked, his eyebrows rising up his forehead.

Kiana smiled, leaned up and pressed her lips to his. “Yes. You. It’s been a blessing having you live on Oahu instead of going to the Big Island.”

Dev sighed. “Agreed. After all that happened in the first few days we were together, I was glad to have time to slow down and get to know you when we weren’t fighting for our lives.” He held her close.

“Those first few days made me realize a few things I think I knew but had lost sight of.”

“Oh, yeah? And what was that?”

She smiled up at him, her heart swelling in her chest, happiness brimming over. “Life’s short. I want to experience so much of it with those I love and who love me.” She tipped her head toward Meredith and Tish, who were laughing as they pulled on white painter’s coveralls. Then she lifted her chin toward Tina, where she sat with Joe, turning the pages of a yellowed photo album and smiling at the pictures. “All my life, I was sad because I had no family. And now, I have three sisters and an uncle. But family isn’t only about DNA. It’s about the love in your heart.” She stared up at Dev. “I’d love all of them, even if we didn’t share DNA or a foster home.”

“And?” Dev’s eyebrows rose hopefully. “Do you have room in your heart for one more?”

Her smile widened. “My heart is so full of my love for them, but that’s the thing about love...there’s always room in your heart for more.”

“Room for someone like...?” he prompted.

Kiana almost laughed at the sad puppy look in his eyes and couldn’t help teasing him a little longer. “There’s room for someone who makes me want to spend every waking moment with him. Who makes my eggs just the way I like them without being asked. Who makes me want to be the best version of myself, not because he demands it or criticizes me if I’m not, but because he inspires me with his incredible loyalty, bravery, intelligence and kindness.”

Dev sighed. “Well, damn. That rules me out.”

Kiana flung her arms around his neck. “The hell it does. You’re all that and more. Thank you for giving me time to get to know you even better. It just solidified my initial assessment of how I feel about you.”

“Cut to the chase, Kiana,” he said. “Tell me how you really feel.”

“I love you, Devlin Mulhaney, more than I ever knew was possible.”

“Grow a pair of balls, Dev,” Rex called out from the rooftop.

Kiana laughed as she and Dev looked up to see Rex, Hawk and Logan sitting on the edge of the finished roof.

“That’s right,” Reid said, stepping out of the house. “Are you going to ask her already, or dick around all day and screw it up?”

George, Levi, Jackson, Angel and Cord came out of the house or from around the sides to stand in a semi-circle, staring at Dev and Kiana expectantly.

Meredith and Tish, dressed in the white painters’ jumpsuits and looking like Pillsbury Doughboys, joined the semi-circle along with Tina, Joe and the ST1 team.

Kiana’s brow furrowed. “Ask her?” She looked at Dev. “Ask who?”
