Page 103 of All The Wrong Plays

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I’m sure Adler had some part in getting me this gig—taking portraits of this season’s team. I’m sure someone on Kluvberg’s immense staff was responsible for this task in the past and is probably resentful of my role now.

But if I’m stuck with the disadvantages of being a Beck, I’ve decided I might as well enjoy the perks as well. And these are the official photos. They’ll be displayed around the stadium. On the team’s website. On the Jumbotron during the games. Maybe they’re not the thought-provoking, curated photographs I’d like to be known for, but they’re shots that thousands of people will look at. And that’s the primary objective of most artists—to be seen. To have people witness your work.

I still haven’t gotten an official offer to join the Neues Kluvberg staff, and I figure any publicity this garners can’t hurt.

Otto leaves with a final friendly smile. Aside from Will and Adler, he’s the player I know best on the team. Practically a second brother.

I busy myself with adjusting the equipment unnecessarily until the door opens again.

I feel the shift in energy immediately. Know it’s him without turning around. Before warm lips graze the back of my neck, taking advantage of the high ponytail my hair is pulled up in.

“This is highly unprofessional.” There’s no incrimination in my voice, though. Just breathiness.

“You’re the one with the job that involves taking photos of half-naked men.”


His lips travel to my collarbone, sucking gently on the juncture of my neck and shoulder. I struggle to recall what I was saying, complete thoughts slipping away like water through cupped hands.

“Everyone’s kept their clothes on.”

“So far.” Will’s hand lands on my thigh, heat burning through the silk dress I’m wearing.

It looked professional in the mirror this morning. He watched me put it on.

His palm creeps up my thigh. I inhale sharply, the slow simmer of arousal spreading across my skin. How he affects me this much—this easily—I’ll never understand. Plenty of guys I photographed today were objectively attractive. But this electricity is unique to Will. An awareness that hasn’t diminished with repeated exposure.

“We can’t do this here.”

We’re in the team’s locker room. There’s a sign on the door, telling people not to come in and interrupt the photo sessions taking place, but that doesn’t mean no one will.

“Do you want to?”

“Yes,” I admit.

He promised he’d always be honest with me, and I’m just as transparent.

He laughs lightly, then steps away. The spot where he’s supposed to stand in front of the screen has been marked by a black X taped to the floor. Will walks over to it and turns, waiting for me.

My motions are clumsy as I pick up the camera, remnants of arousal humming in my blood.

Will looks totally unaffected as he picks up the football on the floor and tucks in under his left arm, wearing his Kluvberg uniform and a devilish half smirk I already know means his photo will receive the most views of all that I’ve taken today. The shutter clicks over and over again as I try not to notice the intensity in his gaze. The way it burns through the barrier of the camera and seems to penetrate my soul.

I lower the camera, flipping through the photos with the same cursory look that I did with every other player. Most of the guys required adjustments, suggested changes in stance or expression. I’m not surprised Will nailed the first try.

“All set,” I say.

“Great.” Will pulls his shirt over his head, then tugs down his shorts.

“Will,” I hiss, glancing at the closed door.

No one has come in during any of the other sessions. But still…we’re in Kluvberg’s stadium. Both here for jobs.

When I look back at him, he’s sitting on the bench that lines the front of the old lockers. Totally naked, his impressive physique on display and his dick half hard. It twitches under my gaze.

“Come here, Sophia.”

God, that voice. That husky, commanding tone that narrates my fantasies.
