Page 120 of All The Wrong Plays

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The hotel where we’re staying is within walking distance of the stadium. We both shower and change, then head to the restaurant where we’re meeting our families for dinner.

My mom flew from Boston to be here. Tripp and his boyfriend were supposed to come too, but his boyfriend’s mother fell and broke a leg, so they ended up staying in Boston to care for her. Beck is obviously here, and so are Saylor, Hans, and Erika.

Everyone’s in high spirits as we take a seat on the outdoor terrace that offers a stunning view of Rome.

We’ve barely sat down when Sophia clears her throat. “Before anyone asks if I want to have wine, I can’t.”

Saylor shrieks. “I knew it!”

My mom gasps.

Erika beams.

Adler and Hans look confused.

“I’m pregnant,” Sophia confirms. She glances at me. “We’re pregnant, I guess, but Will is having a way easier time of it.”

“Amen to that,” Saylor says. “Beck is trying to talk me into another one, but his only contribution was the fun part.”

“Saylor,” Beck groans.

The rest of dinner is filled with congratulations and predictions about the match tomorrow. We have the terrace to ourselves, so I wander over to the edge at one point to take in the full view of the city. My mom comes over to give me a tight hug, visibly emotional about Sophia’s pregnancy.

Right after she heads back to the table, Beck sidles up to me. “If you think the fact that you knocked my little sister up means I’ll take it easy on you tomorrow, think again.”

I smirk at him. “Ah, come on. You’ve already won two Cups. You’re going to deprive me of getting to brag to my son about winning one?”

“It’s a boy?”

Shit. I glance over one shoulder, making sure Sophia is still farther down the terrace and out of earshot. “You did not hear that from me. Sophia wants to throw a big party and shoot off blue confetti.”

“I can keep my mouth shut.”

“I’ve yet to see any evidence of that.”

Beck grins. “Seriously, congratulations, Dad.”

Dad. No one’s ever called me that before. I can’t pin down a memory of saying that to my own father even though I must have.

“Did you feel ready for it?” I ask seriously.

“Fatherhood? Fuck no.”

Somewhat reassuring. Saylor and Beck have kept their kid alive for five years.

“But Saylor was freaking out about it. We…Gigi wasn’t planned. And I know neither of us would change anything. We figured it out. But I felt fucking guilty, knowing how much it would affect her career and that it wouldn’t change mine the same way. Saylor’s mom had left when she was young, so I knew she was worried she didn’t have an example to follow. Basically, I faked it until we made it. You guys will be fine too.”

“My dad left when I was ten,” I state. “I don’t have an example to follow either.”

“You’ll figure it out, just like she did.”

I nod. Exhale.


Sophia is standing, and everyone is gathered by the door, ready to depart.

I hold a hand out to Beck. “I’d say good luck tomorrow, but…”
