Page 81 of All The Wrong Plays

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“That I don’t like football. Does it bother you?”

“No. Why would it bother me?”

“I don’t know. I just thought it might.”

I glance over, trying to get a better read on her. Moonlight is spilling in through the window, casting her room in a white glow.

Sophia looks ethereal and angelic, her blonde hair spread across the pillow like a halo. She looks over, catching me staring.

“I like you just the way you are, Sophia. Don’t change. For me, for anyone.”

She half smiles, but it slips away quickly. Her fingers brush my arm, using the limited light to trace patterns on my skin. “What’s your favorite tattoo?” she asks.

“I don’t have a favorite.”

“Then why’d you get them?”

“I thought they looked cool.”

“They do.” Her fingers keep stroking, and I’m having a hard time keeping my body from reacting. “I don’t have any.”

“I know.” I’ve touched, tasted, or explored every inch of her. There’s not a freckle or a scar I don’t know about.

“Right. Yeah.” She giggles, and it’s fucking adorable.

Her fingers still, and I close my eyes, trying to fall back asleep.

“Why won’t you have sex with me?”

I tense as soon as Sophia asks the question, and I’m sure she can feel it.

I made her come twice more before going to bed, but we didn’t have sex. She didn’t push it at the time, too blissed out, but I knew the question was coming.

“I don’t want you to rush into it, and I don’t want you to think I’m only here for one thing. Your first time…I don’t want you to regret it.” Regret me, I add silently.

“Do you regret yours?” she asks.

I can see her face well enough to catch how she raises one eyebrow.

No, is the honest answer. Which I’m sure she knows.

“That was different.”

“Because you’re a guy?”

“No. Because I was a stupid, horny kid who couldn’t play soccer twenty-four/seven and hated being at home. And because my decisions have rarely been good ones.”

She shifts again, so she’s staring at the ceiling. Her fingers graze her forehead, rubbing back and forth absently.

I clear my throat. “Sophia, I?—”

“It’s fine, Will. I’m just…deciding.”

“Deciding what?”

“Whether I should tell you the truth.”

“The truth about what?”
