Page 99 of All The Wrong Plays

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He’s held the power to hurt me for a long time. But admitting it to him is almost unbearably intimate.

“I think this is it. When you’re not here, I think about you. When I’m not talking to you, I wish I were talking to you. When I’m not touching you, I wish I were touching you. So…I’m in love with you. I love you, Will.”

His expression softens, the worried lines in his forehead completely easing. My body relaxes in response.

“I’m not great with words or talking about how I’m feeling. I thought part of it was how I grew up, never having a great example of what a healthy relationship was supposed to look like. But Tripp has never had that issue, so maybe it was just an excuse.” His fingers find my chin, and he tilts my head back slightly, rubbing his thumb back and forth just below my lower lip. “I was pretty sure I was falling in love with you when you got hit by that football. But I was completely certain when my mom called me about Tripp. There are two times I’ve left a game when I should’ve been on the field. Once for my little brother and once for you. If you needed me, there’s not a fucking thing that could keep me from getting to you, including a football game.”

My eyes feel hot and prickly, moisture gathering in the corners. I’m not normally a crier. But Will telling me he loves me? That makes me want to sob from happiness.

I sniffle. “I needed you that day. I was just mad that you ran over. That you were acting like you cared after telling me you didn’t want me.”

“Wanting you has never been the problem, baby. I promise.” Gently, his thumb moves higher, catching one of the tears that escaped my eye. His tender expression turns teasing. “Do you need me to show you how much I want you?”

“Aren’t you tired?” I ask.

He must have flown overnight to be here this early.

Will chuckles, low and husky. His hands are already roaming, igniting nerve endings everywhere. “I’d have to be in a damn coma to be too tired to fuck you. Even then, I could probably still get hard.”

I scoff, but it’s quickly silenced by warm lips covering mine. Will lifts me up in his arms, walking us into my bedroom. I might be late for class, but this will absolutely be worth it.

He lays me down onto the mattress, and then his hot tongue is demanding entrance to my mouth again, skillfully finding mine. His hands slip under my shirt. Shivers skate across my skin as his palms brush over my stomach and up past my rib cage.

The bra I’m wearing is flimsy lace, decorative with little function. It feels like there’s no barrier between his hands and my boobs as he cups them, the heat of his skin searing into mine. The part of me that feels like it’s been missing since he left snaps back into place, a warm, content glow burning bright in the center of my chest. His body covers mine completely, the firm planes pressed against me protectively.

His thumbs find my nipples, using the lace to rub them into hard points.

I moan into his mouth, surrendering completely. My body is melting into the mattress, turning into a pool of lust beneath him. I lift my hips, seeking the delicious friction of his cock.

“Fuck, I missed you.” He kisses a line down the side of my neck, his hot tongue sucking the skin in a few spots.

I moan when he discovers a particularly sensitive spot. Or maybe he didn’t find it. Maybe he knew it was already there. “Me, or my mouth and pussy?”

“All of you,” he replies, tugging the front of my shirt down until the lace of my bra is visible. “I missed all of you. You make me forget about all the bad shit.” He kisses the curve of my breast, then slides a hand down to the waistband of my shorts. “I wish you’d been there, in Boston.” He tugs at the button of my shorts until the fabric gives way, allowing him access to my underwear. “I told Tripp about you.”

“You did?”

Talking is becoming increasingly challenging. I don’t know what to focus on—what he’s saying or how incredible it feels to have him touching me again. I became addicted to this in an alarmingly short amount of time. I crave Will more than I thought was possible. Knowing he loves me heightens sensations that were already overwhelming.


I gasp when his fingers stretch me, the feeling less foreign but still shocking. Will grunts, exploring how ready I am for him. I think of him every time I touch myself now, but it’s never the same. He knows my body better than I do. Owns it in a way no one else ever will.

Electricity sparks across my senses. Pulsing and powerful, like a tangible presence between us.

Will sits up and pulls me into his lap.

Our faces are so close that I can’t see all of his.

“I love you, Sophia,” he tells me.

The warmth in my chest flares, burning brighter and hotter. Expanding until it feels like it’s too large for my body to contain. Too much to bear in the best way.

My hips rock against his. I can feel him between my thighs, thick and hard. Thickening. Hardening. The throbbing between my legs is growing to an unbearable ache. My pussy is heavy and swollen, desperate to be filled.

“I love you,” I say, pushing my fingers into his hair so it’s off his forehead. Testing the words. Tasting them in this moment that they’ve never been a part of.

I’ve told my family I love them. Friends, usually while drunk, departing from bars. But never a guy. Never in the romantic sense.
