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“Yes, Luna,” he answered before he continued working on her request. The rest chuckled at the technicolor blush that graced Evie’s face, while I held onto her tightly. We waited another few minutes before Evergreen finally looked back up at us.

“It’s done.”

“Alright, let’s call it here tonight. We’re not going to get anywhere. Evergreen and Adrien already did a preliminary look at the footage while we ran, and whoever did all of this is either invisible or knows where the blind spots are,” Uncle Helios said.

“If we needed any more proof that we have a rat in our midst, this was it,” Dad said, making everyone nod solemnly.

“We’ll have to make sure there are no more blind spots.” I said, “The cost doesn’t matter at this point. If we’re going into war, I won’t lose anyone else. This is the second time I’ve been attacked, and it could have cost Evie her life.”

“I’ll place the orders and make sure to go over every inch.” Evergreen nodded in agreement.

Chapter Seventeen


Everyone left the conference room, and I leaned further into Cory’s arms. I felt so much panic when I realized no one mentioned finding the tablet I was carrying when we were kidnapped. Now I couldn’t tell if I was tired or relieved. Maybe a combination of both.

Cory’s hands rubbed up and down my arms, and I felt a shiver going through my body as the sparks spread through me. It felt surreal to know that Cory was my mate. I never let myself hope. It wasn’t until I woke up in that cell that I was almost certain his feelings were a lot closer to mine than I’d ever known.

I remembered everything that happened in Columbus when I woke up. The way I kissed him, the way he’d begged me to stop. His words.

“I can’t. Evie. I can’t. Goddess, I fucking love you, but I can’t. You’re not in your right mind. I’m not taking advantage of you.”

I needed to know if his words were his or Zi’s spell. His actions over the last two days almost drove me crazy and confused. Now I had the answers I needed, and I was feeling so fucking guilty about having kept us both apart for so long.

“Let’s get home? Uncle Theo is taking my place on the Blue Moon escort,” he whispered in my ear, the brush of his soft lips against my cheek making me let out a small moan.

“Let’s,” I answered. Cory took my hand, and we walked toward Crescent Moon. A question popped up in my head as we approached the first row of houses. Would he want me to go to his room in the pack house? He said I was in trouble. What if he was going to keep me away like I did him?

My heart sank when we got to the fork where we could go north toward the pack house or south toward my house, and Cory started walking me south. Tozi whimpered in my head, but I was determined to take whatever punishment he thought I deserved and plead my case to reduce my sentence.

The lights were off inside the house. No one was home yet, and I didn’t expect them to be. Zi already informed me that our suspicions were right, and she and James were mates. She was terrified, but he’d agreed to take it slow, much like I knew he would. She was with Molly and James at the celebration that always followed the full moon run, hopefully meeting Aunt Maya and Uncle Danny, James’ parents.

I opened the door and turned to look at Cory. I didn’t know how to ask if I could come to his place or if he wanted to stay with me.

“Why are you waiting at the door?” he asked, his brow furrowed.

“Are you coming in with me or heading home?” I asked.

“I-I thought we were just grabbing a few things from your room so you had something at the pack house until we moved your stuff,” he said, suddenly looking uncertain. “Yo-you want to take this slow? Like James and Zi?”

I shook my head and smiled, relief filling me. “I think six years is slow enough. Help me pack some clothes.”

Cory expelled a breath, and the same relief I was feeling showed on his face.

“Thank fuck. I wasn’t going to force you or anything, but I would prefer you glued to my side for the foreseeable future.”

I chuckled, relieved we were on the same page, and went inside. I grabbed my suitcase and dropped it on the bed, unzipping it and heading into the closet, I began to pull clothes at random, along with a duffel bag I kept at the back.

“Can you stuff whatever you can fit in that from the drawers?” I asked, dumping my clothes into the suitcase and handing the duffel bag to Cory.

I went back into the closet but stopped on my way back to the bed with my hands full of clothes when I noticed he was blushing.

“What’s wrong?” I asked. Cory looked up from his work.

“What do you mean?” he asked.

“You’re blushing,” I mentioned and watched the blush on his face kick up a notch. “What’s wrong?”
