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“Nothing,” he said, looking away.

He’s pulling clothes from the underwear drawer, Tozi giggled.

“Do you want to switch?” I asked him.

“No. I’m fine. Keep packing so we can go home,” he said, continuing to grab my underwear and stuffing it in the duffel bag. He looked so adorable and flustered, and it reminded me of the fact that Cory saved himself for his mate. For me. Was he nervous?

He sounded impatient to me. Tozi giggled again.

Well, I guess he waited all these years. The least I could do was hurry. I grabbed another set of clothing and dumped it into the suitcase. The rest of my things I could grab later, but having enough clothes to change into for the next day or so was definitely a necessity. I pushed the clothes down and started struggling to close it, so I got on the bed on my hands and knees and continued to push down.

“Cory, come help me,” I said. He walked to me and pushed down while I closed the zipper on the damn thing. I looked up when I was done, smiling at him, but I stopped breathing when I saw the look of hunger on his face.

“Your smell is driving me crazy. More than it used to,” he groaned before he let go of the suitcase and pulled me against his chest, forcing me from the bed and into a standing position. I moaned at the hunger with which he kissed me, wrapping my arms around his neck to make sure he didn’t break our kiss. His hands slid down to my ass, pressing me into his hard body. The feeling of his hard cock pressing against my stomach made me moan again, and I could feel the wetness between my legs soaking my underwear. Cory pulled back with another groan.

“If we don’t leave now, I’m going to take you right here, and we’re going to traumatize Molly when they get home.” His breathing was ragged, and his blue eyes kept flashing back to black. I could feel Tozi trying to push forward at the invitation of her mate playing peek-a-boo.

I nodded, unable to answer yet. If I opened my mouth now, it was going to be to plunge it back into his. We didn’t move for a few more seconds, then Cory took a step back, grabbed the suitcase handle, and set it down on the floor before he winced and blushed again. He adjusted his pants, and I giggled at his discomfort, earning me a small growl that only made me wetter. He held out his hand for me, the sparks crawling up my arm deliciously and spreading through my body.

Cory refused to let me take the suitcase or the duffel bag, instead pulling me to his side and walking us toward the pack house with his free arm wrapped around me.

We received stares from people who were not in attendance at the full moon celebration. Everyone knew that Cory didn’t date and was waiting for his mate. It was something that he was never ashamed of, so I could imagine what seeing him with his arm around a woman and dragging a suitcase was making them think.

It’s the full moon. They probably think that we are mates, which is the truth, Tozi reminded me.

We went up the elevator and were kissing by the time we made it to the top floor. I couldn’t keep my hands off him. I never expected my childhood secret love to be my mate. I wasted so much time with him, and all I wanted was to make that up now. We stumbled out of the elevator when the doors opened, Cory tripping over the suitcase as we tried to walk out while kissing. We laughed, but the second time he tripped over the suitcase, Cory cursed and lifted me up with one arm into his side, his lips never leaving mine. My legs wrapped around his waist, my thigh pressing against his erection, making him hiss and pull my bottom lip into his mouth, eliciting a loud moan from me.

It’s a good thing that everyone moved out of the alpha floor, because the show we were putting on would have been embarrassing if anyone witnessed it.

Just as that thought crossed my mind, I heard a small eek and a giggle from the side, and we both pulled back and looked around. A young Omega was coming out of one of the guest rooms, cleaning supplies in her hands.

“Hi Rosie, this is Evie, my mate,” Cory introduced me, grinning from ear to ear.

“Nice to meet you, Luna,” Rosie gave a little cute curtsey.

“Hi, Rosie,” I said, blushing at the title.

“Why aren’t you at the party?” Cory asked. His eyes suddenly opened wide like he was going to lose his shit, and he pinched my ass to stop me from squeezing his member against his waist with the thigh hiding it from view.

“I asked to work late so I could have the morning off, Alpha. I wanted to take Roger to the zoo,” she answered, and I assumed Roger was her pup.

“Go home and rest, then. Tell Kate I gave you the rest of the night off, with pay.” I watched Rosie’s eyes light up at Cory’s words.

“Thank you, Alpha. Congratulations on your Luna.” She giggled again and left.

Once we heard her steps going down the stairs, Cory pressed me to the wall and kissed me roughly.

“That was really nice of you to give her the night off,” I moaned when he started sucking on my neck.

“I need the floor empty for what I want to do to you,” he replied, biting my neck at my marking spot, making me grind against his hip and moan at his implied promise. He pulled back and walked us to his room. He kicked the door shut with his foot, and I heard the clattering of my suitcase before he dumped me on the bed. I bounced with a startled shriek. I propped myself on my elbows, watching him unbutton his shirt. His fingers stopped fumbling with the buttons, and he simply stared at me, making me blush.

“What?” I asked, feeling self-conscious under his intense stare.

“Do you have any idea how many days I wished to come home and see you lying on my bed... just like that,” he said, a strange timbre to his voice pulling through. His hands fell to his side, and he crawled up the bed until he was caging me beneath him. “I dreamed of you so often. I mourned not being your mate until that moment when the Moon Goddess snapped our bond into place.” His eyes flashed black, and Tenoch made himself heard.

“Why did you hide from us, little mate?” he asked, his voice much deeper than Cory’s.

“I didn’t think we were mates,” I repeated my answer from before.
