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“Well, then, I guess it’s down to the second one and our afternoon interview.” James smiled.

“Did your person tell you if they applied?” Jo asked Evergreen.

“No. They said if they told me, I’d be looking for specifics in the applications, which wouldn’t be fair,” Evergreen grumbled.

“Hey, didn’t Evie also study the same thing you did, Evergreen? She should apply. I haven’t seen her around since the ceremony,” James asked.

“She said she was working on some freelance projects,” I answered for Evergreen. “I told her she should apply, but she said she’s waiting to hear back from some other projects.” Evergreen nodded and looked disgruntled.

“I want her home, but I fear she’s gotten a taste for hopping around the country,” he added.

“When did you talk to Evie?” Jo asked me.

“Last night. We both went to the kitchen for some snacks,” I answered.

We finished eating and got ready for the following interview. At precisely one, I dialed the number on the application. It wasn’t even the real phone number. It was a code they were assigned, and the machine dialed out. Evergreen really did think of everything when he put this in place.


“Good Afternoon. Thank you for agreeing to a phone interview. We have you on a voice modulator. We can’t tell if you’re male, female, old, or young. We want this process to be completely based on merit and personality. I have with me my Beta Josue, Gamma James, and the new head of the division, Evergreen Roswell,” I started.

“Understood,” the voice replied.

“As you know, the position of the head of this department is highly coveted. We had hundreds of applications within the first twenty-four hours alone. What we’re looking for is very simple: we need a leader and someone with a head for technology and progress. Someone who thinks outside the box. Someone to replace Mr. Roswell, who has taken the company from a simple security industry to the worldwide security firm it is today. You are one of the few we thought exhibited all of the qualifications we’re looking for. We’d like to hear about what you plan to do with the position if you’re hired, what kind of projects you’d bring to the table and what sort of management style you have.” There was a slight chuckle on the other side of the line.

“Forgive me, Alpha Cory, but have any of the other candidates given you actual answers?” they asked.

“I beg your pardon?” I asked, caught off guard by the question.

“I can’t imagine anyone would tell you real ideas of what kind of projects they would like to do if hired. I guessing they all gave you generic answers on how they’d like to bring Salonen Industries into the next century in this lifetime and how their hands-off management style will allow their employees to thrive and create the next generation of software technology.” I sat back, stunned at the brashness of the caller and how accurate their guess was.

“Perhaps they did. So tell me then, how exactly will you answer my questions that are so different from what they have?”

“For starters, I’ll tell you what I won’t say. I’m not giving you any project ideas because those are my livelihood. Your company is a multi-billion dollar established powerhouse. Whatever innovation I bring will only be yours when or if I’m hired. I need the time and energy to be able to bring my projects to life while you have a team of software engineers to work on things all at once. Secondly, I manage how I would like to be managed. I give creative liberties within parameters. I want to see results, but I also want to see the train of thought. I don’t believe in stumbling into genius. You have to think and plan it through. Deadlines are less important to me as long as the thought process is solid and the progress steady.” Their answer left me speechless, and James jumped on the balls of his feet.

“And what about what you would do with the position should you get it?” Jo asked.

“Work?” They laughed and I struggled not to join in with them. “I intend to come to work and function as efficiently as I always do and to the best of my ability. The name on the letterhead or the salary on the paycheck will never change the amount of effort and energy I put into a job. The man who pays me fifty dollars for a project is to be as respected as the one who pays me five thousand.”

‘Is it too early to say you’re hired?’ James asked eagerly.

‘Yes,’ I answered.

“This position would require you to move and become a pack member. Would you be willing to do so?” I asked.

“Depends. Am I allowed to ask questions?” They asked back.

“Of course.”

“What kind of daycare program do you have?” They asked.

“Are you in need of one?” Jo asked.

“Perhaps. What can a single parent expect from a pack like Crescent Moon.”

“As I mentioned, the job offer comes with a requirement to join Crescent Moon. That allows you access to our daycare, healthcare, meals at the pack house, and boarding. We have apartments and small houses available for those who join us, and if you or any of our members have a family, we can accommodate you in a house of appropriate size. You would be full pack members. We will treat you as such and expect you to treat the pack with loyalty and respect.”

“Will I have a say in who gets hired under me?”
