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“No. That’s—”

“That’s what happened,” I interrupted. “You know how I know? Because Helios bought you from Alpha Geoff while he was looking to see if they were selling me. Helios fed you, not Geoff. Helios healed you, and erased your memories so you could live a quiet life with your pup without the trauma of what you went through at the hands of your supposed mate.” I shook my head. “I should have known something was up when you showed up to Guardian Moon, asking for a second chance, but I felt sorry for you and told Helios to let you stay.”

“You’re wrong. I was supposed to be luna. You—”

“I DID NOTHING!” I yelled again, my aura forcing her to submit and bare her neck. “If you were supposed to be luna, you shouldn’t feel the need to submit to me so quickly because we’d be equals. You weren’t meant to be luna, Janet. You were just a mistake Nickolas took advantage of. All I did was escape from that man you want to call a mate. I escaped, and I saved the ones I could. The council saw what Geoff did and sentenced him to death. Not I.”

“No,” she said, but I could see the truth settling in her eyes.

“I don’t care what you believe or don’t at this point, Janet,” I said more calmly. “All I care about is where your son took my daughter, my niece, my son, and his mate, and you will tell me. One way or another. I’ve never tortured a person before, but for them, I would skin you piece by piece,” I warned her as I picked her up by the throat, my claws piercing into parts of her neck. “Where are they? If you don’t tell me now, I can promise you I’ll make sure you live long enough to see me kill your son very painfully.”

“My son was not involved,” she said, panic finally filling her voice.

“She’s lying,” Theo said, so I tightened my hold without restricting her airway, digging my claws further in. I called up the fire to my hands slowly, letting her skin begin to heat until she was twitching like an ant under a magnifying glass.

“No. I’m not! He wasn’t involved. It was all me. He only told me where he was going or what he was doing. I did it all myself. I drugged Evie and her mate. I dragged them to the old prison cells I’d found on the grounds. I told Nickolas when to attack for the full moon. I’m the one who heard Tori talking to Violet and told Nickolas where to find them. Paolo is a good boy. He didn’t want to hurt the packs until Evie broke his heart.”

“She’s telling the truth,” Theo advised, but neither of us missed the word ‘until’ in her speech.

“I don’t care anymore. Tell me where my family is!” I snarled, carrying her out of the pack house, pulling forth more fire into my arms. Her skin began to blister from the heat and I heard her whimpers she was trying to swallow.

“I don’t know! I’ve been on the grounds this whole time,” she cried trying to wiggle away from the heat radiating from my body.

“She’s lying,” Theo said calmly from behind me.

“Tell me!” I felt my eyes catch on fire, and her eyes widened in terror.

“I don’t know the location! It’s at a club called Forbidden Pleasures. It’s a place where rich people pay to rape and torture the employees. That’s all I know. I swear! Nickolas never took me there!”

“I already know what the club is called. I need to know where it is!” I roared in frustration. My body was slowly being engulfed in flames now, and her clothing caught on fire, her skin was peeling as it burned, revealing the layer of flesh underneath. The scent of burnt flesh was nauseating, but I couldn’t control the fire right now. Desperation was settling in, and I refused to believe I would come out of this empty-handed. I needed my children back home safe, and she was the only one who could give them back.

“I don’t know! Please!” she cried out in pain.

“She’s telling the truth Celeste,” Theo’s heartbroken voice made me scream in frustration, and I sent Janet flying. Her body was on fire now, and I watched her scream and burn until she stopped moving, tears evaporating before they could leave my eyes.

I felt arms surround me. Felt the sparks bursting forth as my mate held me, but the fire and my pain wouldn’t subside. I fell to my knees as I watched the body of the person who could get my children back burn to the ground.

“We’ll find them, Tuli,” Markus whispered, but I couldn’t see how we would make that happen without Evie now.

“Guys, we need to go,” James called out from behind everyone.

“Go where?” Markus asked, pulling me up and cradling my numb body against him.

“Zi needs us back at the pack house. She said Evie texted her, and we need to get to her now.”

Hope rose in my heart, and Markus didn’t hesitate to leap away and land us in front of the pack house before I could put out the fire surrounding us. Helios and Nat landed beside us moments later but stepped back until I willed my fire down.

“The others will follow,” Helios said, and we ran in together.

‘In the conference room, please, Luna. I’ll be there momentarily.’ Zi sounded out of breath, clearly running around somewhere.

“Conference room,” I told them, and we walked into the room filled with computers scanning for information. I asked Zack to leave the room, but I told him to be ready because I might need him later.

“I mind-linked Evergreen and Valeria and told them what happened. They’ll be here soon,” Markus told me, and I felt a twinge of guilt that it didn’t occur to me to let them know their daughter was kidnapped. A minute later, James, Jo, and the rest ran into the conference room, followed by Evergreen, Valeria and Everett.

We only had to wait a few more minutes while Markus explained everything that happened to the ones who weren’t present before Zi ran in; wet hair plastered to her face, out of breath, holding Molly in one arm, and a bunch of rolled documents under the other.

She handed Molly to James and swiped the conference table clean.
