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You don’t want to be friends with Evie. That’s the whole problem, Casanova. Neither one of us does.

That is all we can be, I argued. She is not our mate.

Then maybe she’s destined to be our chosen mate. She hasn’t found her mate either, and I feel no pull to look when she’s around.

What do you mean? I asked.

Every time she comes home during vacation, every time we smell her. All I think about is her. I stop wanting to look for anyone else, he admitted.

Why didn’t you say anything before? I asked angrily.

Because it’s a shitty thing to think about, he growled. We’re destined for a person, and it’s not her, but all I want is her. I don’t understand why.

We arrived home and ran past the gate, mind-linking a thank you to the guards. We ran past rows of houses on our way to the pack house, and Tenoch growled when we saw Paolo leaving Evie’s parents’ front steps. The man startled, then smirked again before he waved and continued walking.

Don’t, I warned Tenoch when I felt his intention to go toward him.

He growled again but continued on to the pack house. I shifted at the entrance, snagged a pair of shorts and a T-shirt from the basket that we kept by the entrance, tossed them on and walked up to my room. I took a shower and allowed myself to pass out on top of the bedsheets.

I woke up the following day to Jo opening the blinds.

“Wake up, sleeping beauty,” he singsonged.

“Shut that shit,” I groaned. Why did I have a hangover? It was just beer.

“Yes, well, I figured you might have a hangover considering it’s your first time drinking that new brew,” he mentioned. “I brought some Tylenol.”

“New brew? What the fuck was in it that I feel like a train ran me over?” I asked.

“Traces of delphinium,” he answered quietly.

“WHAT? Why would you give me that?” I growled.

Delphinium was a flower closely related to wolfsbane and had similar effects. The significant difference was that it didn’t hurt or suppress your wolf. It did, however, make you vulnerable. It repressed your strength, and your wolf healing, allowing you to get inebriated like a human did. No wonder I was hung over.

“James just wanted you to relax. It’s called Delphi Brew for a reason. I didn’t realize you would have as many as you did.”

“Fuck. I gotta apologize to Evie.” I groaned, falling back into bed and pulling a hand over my eyes, trying to block the blasted sunlight.

“Yeah, I don’t know. She seemed upset and confused initially, but then she just looked concerned. I explained what we did, so maybe she’s not mad at you. She was the one who told us to make sure you didn’t drive.”

I opened an eye and peeked from under my arm. Tenoch was deliriously happy to know she had been worried about us, and I couldn’t pretend I wasn’t either.

“She did?”

“Yep. What’s going on?” he asked.

“What do you mean?”

“Come on. I saw the way you said that guy’s name last night. Why did it make you so angry?”

“No reason. I just don’t think he’s good enough for her. Never did,” I lied.

“Yeah, okay. But I thought we decided to try to play nice so she’d hang out with us. Get the old group back together?”

“The old group is never going to be back together. Bells isn’t here,” I pointed out.

“Exactly. So how about we try to save the friends we have? The rest only approach when they need shit. Evie was never like that. Meli could use a friend,” he argued.
