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“Excellent. I’ll keep working on things until then,” I replied. She left me to my devices while I continued to research the person I was going to meet in Columbus. I wasn’t thrilled with the things I was finding, and the longer I looked, the happier I was that Cory would be nearby. I still didn’t think I was in danger, but some of the people that this guy dealt with might be there as buyers, and that was a very volatile variant of the plan that made me uncomfortable.

I watched James come in with a group of people through my office window and I hid my disappointment that it wasn’t Cory before I went to greet them. I gave them all the tools they would need to get started and some smaller tasks to see what they were really made of. They needed to show me their actual skills so I could decide where to put them and what kind of projects to assign. To motivate them, I mentioned that they could work on one project of their choice if they could pitch it to me and get it approved.

I noticed the little looks James and Zi kept throwing at each other, and I couldn’t tell if they were flirty looks or awkward looks that told me they hadn’t spoken since that morning before I left. Knowing Zi, she probably hadn’t talked to him since.

“James, we’re going to go have lunch with Molly at the park across the daycare. Want to join? I know how much you love the swing sets,” I teased, only for Zi to almost choke on her drink. James’ face lit up and then fell a little when he saw Zi’s reaction.

“Sure... If it’s alright with Ziomara?” he asked, unusually timid.

“Of course,” Zi answered.

‘What are you doing?’ she asked me when James said he would pick up a picnic basket for everyone and meet us at the park before he left.

‘Getting this awkwardness out of the way. You haven’t talked to him since you freaked out, have you?’

‘I have! I told you he sometimes brings the new hires,’ Zi countered, and I rolled my eyes.

‘Not the same thing, and you know it. Trust me. Molly makes everything easier.’

‘If he hurts her...’ she trailed off quietly.

‘James is my cousin. His dad and my dad are cousins. I’ve known James since we were born. He’s only a few months older than I am. James would never hurt a child. Or a woman, for that matter,’ I said.

‘I’s just—’ she sighed into my head. ‘—there’s something weird about him,’ she finally answered.

‘That’s rude. There’s a lot that’s weird about him, but you shouldn’t hold it against him,’ I teased but then more seriously I added, ‘Does he make you uncomfortable?’ I knew she’d had issues with some men that came on too strong because of what happened. James was nothing if not enthusiastic when he liked someone, and I could see that he liked her. I didn’t know if they could be mates, but even if they weren’t, they were both consenting adults, and both of them deserved a little happiness.

‘No. That’s the thing. I don’t feel uncomfortable. If anything, I feel too comfortable. I don’t sense anything but kindness from all of them, and it makes me wary. I don’t want to feel so safe so fast. I can’t let my guard down and James... he looks like he could break a heart.’

‘Oh, friend, every man has that power over us.’ I sighed, thinking about my own problems regarding the male species for a second.

‘But he’s a gamma. Last time I had an issue with a ranked member...’

‘They would never treat you like that. Trust me. I’ve grown up with them.’

‘But people change in ten years,’ she argued.

‘Not at their core, and these guys are as good as it comes. Just take things slow. Go at your pace. I doubt he’ll rush you, but if he ever does, put him in his place. He’s used to strong women in his life. If you get to know him and find there’s nothing there but the immediate sizzle of heat, let him down gently. He’ll understand.’

‘I...will think about it,’ she finally said. ‘I don’t want to lose this opportunity for Molly. She deserves to grow up among her people.’

By the time lunch came around, Zi was a little more relaxed about sharing a midafternoon break with James. We went into the daycare and grabbed Molly, who was talking non-stop until we sat her down on a table where James was already waiting.

“Hello. Are you Molly?” James asked. Molly hid behind her mom’s arm, but nodded.

“Well, I’m James. Can I eat with you today?” When Molly just buried her face further into Zi, James’ face flashed disappointment for a moment. His eyes flickered to me, and I nodded, encouraging him to continue.

“Well, if you’re not going to say yes, I guess I’ll just have to eat all of this cheesecake and cookies I brought by myself.” He sighed dramatically.

“Evie, will you eat it with me? I think I brought too much and I’ll get a tummy ache if someone doesn’t help me. You wouldn’t want my tummy to hurt, would you?” he asked me.

“Of course not, James. I’ll help you, but I think it’ll still be too much, and we’ll both get tummy aches. Zi, will you help James and me eat the cheesecake and cookies?” I asked.

“I’ll help you both eat the cheesecake, but I don’t think I can help with the cookies. Molly, can you help James eat some cookies so he and Evie don’t get tummy aches?” she asked.

James’ smile was wide when Molly finally nodded and looked at James.

“I hewp,” she said, stretching her little hand out.
