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“So this is how we’re going to do this. You’re going to put the money in that little pot over there. Once I count it, we’ll go get your phones.”

I heard shuffling and Evie going through her purse.

“Okay, beautiful. Let me just count it, and we’re good to go.”

‘Almost there,’ I said. ‘We’ll go grab some fast food on the way back.’

‘Oooh yes. I want some Taco Bell,’ Tozi said.

“The money is all there. Let’s go get those phones for you,” the man said, and his voice sounded a lot closer than before.

There was nothing but background noise for a few minutes. I could here the man giving small directions, telling her to look here or put her thumb there but Evie was oddly quiet.

‘Evie?’ I asked after a bit more quiet from her end.

‘Hmm,’ she answered, her voice weirdly out of focus.

‘Tozi?’ I tried her wolf this time. There was no response.

‘Evie?’ I tried again. I heard nothing this time but the shuffling of feet and a door opening.

‘EVIE WHAT’S GOING ON?’ I yelled into the mind-link, but it was like they weren’t there.

‘TOZI,’ Tenoch called out through the mind-link, trying to use his alpha command to get an answer out of her.

“Cory?” I heard Evie mumble, but it wasn’t through the mind-link; it was through the speaker.

“I’m not Cory, sweetheart, but I can be,” the man whispered very close to her earrings.

“No... No. You’re not him. You’re not mine,” Evie complained.

‘I’m coming Evie,’ I assured her, getting out of the car and beginning to run toward the party.

“Invitation.” The bouncer put an arm to stop me from moving forward.

“Fuck off,” I growled. The man tried to grab my arm and my canines extended. I grabbed him by the throat and threw him against the concrete wall. He crumbled to the ground, but I didn’t bother to see if he was alive or not. All that mattered was Evie.

I burst through the door, following her scent. I could smell where she had been sitting at the bar for the past hour. The bartender took one look at me and pointed toward a set of double doors while everyone else began running for the exit. I burst through them and continued following her scent, leading me to a door. I knocked it down with a kick, and Tenoch roared as we took in the scene.

Evie was on the bed, struggling against a greasy asshole who dared touch her without her consent. His pants were halfway down his ass while his hands were pawing at her breasts. I ran in, grabbed him by the back of the neck and sent him flying against the wall. The son of a bitch was only alive because his boxers were still on him and he was human. All that mattered to me right now was getting Evie out of here.

“Evie?” I came up next to the bed to check on her.

“Cory?” she mumbled, trying to look at me. “There was a guy...” she whispered, holding onto my hand tightly. There was fear in her eyes, and her pupils were dilated. Tenoch growled, understanding what’d happened. This motherfucker drugged her.

“He won’t cause any trouble anymore,” I said gently.

“I’m okay?” she asked, her vulnerability breaking my heart.

“Always. I’ll take you home.” I grabbed her bag and picked her up.

“Wait. The phones. Cory,” she whined.

“It’s okay, Evie. We’ll figure it out. Let’s get you out of here.”

“Nooo. The phones. Please,” she cried softly. I sighed and looked around. I saw the two phones on a chest of drawers and grabbed them. I also grabbed the money lying next to it and stuffed it back in her purse.

“Cory,” Evie sighed, laying her head on my chest, the phones clutched to her chest.
