Page 14 of Dragon Rogue

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“She’s the king’s guest,” Stenlen growled.

“Name?” The librarian shoved a thick ledger book forward.

Sten snatched a pen from the male and scribbled his name.

His gaze slid down the page, noting the names of other males who’d visited the library.

Frederick? Goliath has been here?

“We need these, thank you…” She handed Eamerson’s other card to the male, peering at the nameplate on the counter beside him, and gave him a bright smile. “Sam. I just love libraries. Don’t you?”

The male’s cheeks flushed. He stared back with a glint in his eyes.

Stenlen growled.

The librarian’s gaze shot to Sten’s face, eyes round. “I’ll be just a moment.”

Marli turned, frowning at Sten.

“What?” He scowled back, suddenly reminded that he didn’t care what she—or anyone else—thought.

What do I care if I displease her?

He reined in his rampant thoughts and desires, stamping down on thoughts of possessing her.

Maybe we’ll fuck later, maybe we won’t.

He examined how quickly he’d taken to wanting her. That wasn’t like him.

Not anymore. Because that was dangerous.

In his youth, before Kargassa took him in, he’d had his heart broken. Shattered.

On Kargassa’s advice, he’d never allowed it to mend. He gripped the jagged edges, keeping them fresh. Keeping him sharp.

Until this dragoness sauntered past him with her imperial glare and wicked purple claws.


What is it about her that enticed him to drop his guard?

Not going to slip now.

Especially not with an Aeleftherian guardian.

He paced away from her as they waited for the librarian to return.

He needed the space so that her scent would stop invading his senses, his head—his blood.

That won’t do. It should be the other way around.

She should be the one attracted to him, wanting to please him—wanting him to smile at her.

He strode further away, glancing over titles on the nearest shelves, with nothing better to do.

Sten even picked up a few, curious to see what was inside.

The earliest maps of dragon territories captivated him. Ancient days, from before dragon shifters hid themselves from humans. Before the division between male and female dragons, when the Aeleftherians had developed their own colony and excluded all males from their borders.
