Page 16 of Dragon Rogue

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Something that had not existed before Jori’s arrival.

Jori hadn’t ordered him to join it. He’d invited him.

Sten’s gaze swept the occupants of the room.

All outsiders, except for Eamerson and himself.

Was this the right direction for the tribe?

I need to think about this.

His gaze found Marli’s backside again as she pushed the cart toward the table.

I need to think about this when she’s not around.

Chapter 8

Marli stifled a yawn. Stretching out her cramped muscles, she strode toward the floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking the forested valley below and the range peaks beyond.

Her brain spun with the research they’d spent hours immersed in.

The mountain history was comparable to Aeleftheria’s, with the primary divergence being when the clans became enemies and continued independent of each other.

Aeleftheria had always been an island nation, but when the divide happened, females from the mountain fled seeking sanctuary. Aeleftheria welcomed them, providing protection from the dominant males intent on returning them to their lair.

A great battle saw the destruction of the island and many dragons killed.

‘Never again’, they’d vowed.

Marli’s mother had told her the story many times over the years. Aeleftherians relocated to a secret region. A special location revealed to the queen by one of the immortals, with one condition. The realm needed to be protected from the outside world at all costs. Only Queen Regina and her council knew why this location was special.

Drawing a breath, Marli absorbed the vista before her.

Both males and females lived here at one time. Until the ego of the males grew beyond what the females would tolerate.

A shadow filled her periphery. Stenlen’s scent enveloped her.

“It’s beautiful,” she murmured, glancing up at him.

His jaw tightened as he stared out. “It is.”

His body heat was electric between them. His proximity caressed her.

I should move away.

But she didn’t.

Marli’s thoughts drifted to that day that he and his wingmen pursued her, trying to track her back to Aeleftheria. She recalled the sight of his dragon gliding through the sea above her hiding position on the ocean floor below.

Large, powerful, magnificent.

And then on the beach, in their human forms—among all the hundreds of naked bodies enjoying the sun and sand, she had found none as interesting and pleasing as his was.

Tall and muscled. Honed. A sure stride. Dark hair, thick lashes, a mouth for pleasure.

And other pleasurable body parts? Very nice indeed.

She shivered, also recalling the feel of him beneath her, when she’d attacked him in this very room.
