Page 3 of Dragon Rogue

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“Do you?” Craig sneered.

Sten hesitated, glaring at the other male over his shoulder. He straightened, fists balled even tighter. “You know I always have.”

Until I was forced up to a line that I wouldn’t cross…

He continued on, leaving Craig at his post.

It wasn’t the first confrontation since Kargassa’s unexpected death… nor would it be the last.

Chapter 2

Black River

Brandt Homestead

Marli Fleetwing stifled a yawn, rubbed her hands over her face, then through her tangled hair.

Defeated, sun up, she and Odson had returned to the Brandt homestead to exchange updates.

She slouched, forcing a smile as Heidi Brandt set a steaming cup of coffee on the table before her. “You are my new favorite hero, Heidi.” She reached for the cup, wrapping her fingers, with their metallic purple nails, around the cup.

“Coffee. Domestic heroism at its best.” Heidi laughed.

“Don’t knock it. It’s more powerful than you may realize,” Odson Blackridge grunted with a nod as Heidi handed him a cup before taking her seat at the solid harvest table that filled the dining room.

Heidi’s house was quiet now after the chaos of the last few days, in the search for Kymri and Jori.

“I’m going to have to report what’s happened soon. I can’t hold off much longer.” Marli’s eyelids threatened to slam shut. She stared at the steam rising from her cup as her thoughts turned to her island home. “As soon as we find Kymri, I’m taking her back to Aeleftheria, then I’m going home to my cozy bed. For a solid week.”

“I still can’t believe Clive and Merwin abducted them with no hint or trail. There’s no way Stenlen didn’t organize everything for them before our little rendezvous in the street; I seriously doubt those knuckleheads are capable of it on their own.”

Marli snorted. She stared at her wavering reflection in her cup as she considered the three male dragon shifters that had attacked her island home, then abducted Kymri and Jori. “Any word from your agency friend?” She asked Odson.

“Carson? He’s working on a couple of cases right now, but his people are still scouring the satellite data for this area—well, as much as possible anyway. Black River’s magical atmosphere isn’t as powerful as Aeleftheria’s, but it’s strong enough to be a problem for the satellites.”

“Blaine is sure a vehicle was used to disrupt the scent trail. Neither he, nor any of my other boys, picked up the dragon scents beyond the alley behind the club where they were last seen.” Heidi sipped her coffee. Her grown sons were bear shifters and dedicated Black River guardians, like she and her husband were. “You should stop by the refugee camp. Maybe they know something. With the camp so close, all kinds of shifters pass through there all the time. I’m willing to bet that those males stopped there on their way to Black River.”

“Nah, I don’t want to drag the camp into this. They have their own problems. Besides, the whole point of its existence is to avoid tribal politics.”

Heidi lifted a brow, staring back at the old dragon shifter. “No one is avoiding dragon politics right now, Odson. It’s spilled into Black River.”

“I should have taken Stenlen out when I had the chance.”

“I’m glad Marli stopped you before you could. You’d have destroyed the town.”

“We couldn’t have known they were going to abduct Jori and Kymri. We believed their focus was on taking control of Aeleftheria.” Marli rubbed her hands over her face again. “I can’t believe Jori is their king’s heir. What a freaking mess.”

“Heir?” Heidi’s other brow raised as her gaze shot back to Odson. “You didn’t mention that important bit of information.”

His expression turned haunted.

“That’s what Stenlen said when he delayed us outside of Blaine’s club. As soon as I find their lair, I’m going to rip that bastard apart.”

“Not if I get to him first.” Marli’s hands tightened on her mug.

“You know we’ll help with anything you need, so long as the ripping happens outside of Black River,” Heidi said. “Just call us.”

Odson nodded. “Thank you, Heidi. You and your family have already done enough for us—for everyone, really. I’m going home to shower and make a few more calls.”
