Page 30 of Bitter Retreat

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She snorted. “Oh, all my issues? Just maybe?”

Tom scoffed. “He was a dumbass. Marriage is for better or worse, sickness and health. If he didn’t believe that, he had no business being married.”

“I thought so, but he made it pretty hard to believe after a while. None of our vows meant anything to him.”

“You mean he cheated on you?” Truly an idiot. Tom couldn’t imagine inflicting more hurt on Wiz. Or cheating, period. Even if he’d been stupid enough to marry Evon, he’d never cheat—it was the worst sort of betrayal.

“Yeah. He did.” She almost whispered.

She’d better not be blaming herself. “Like I said, a dumbass. Anyone dumb enough to not see what a wonderful person you are doesn’t deserve you. You deserve much, much better.”

Wiz sighed. “We were too young.”

“If it was just that, you wouldn’t be so pissed off at him. Just for the record, he deserves your anger.”

“Maybe. No, you’re right. I’d put up with so much from him. Every time I came back or he came back from a deployment, I forgave him. But after this last one, well, he couldn’t do the same.”

No way she’d cheated on him; she was as loyal as they came. “I truly doubt you needed forgiveness.”

“I did, but not in the same way. Or for the same reason.”

She thought being sexually assaulted was equivalent to cheating? No way. Maybe her ex said it was. Dirtbag. Fury ripped through him like a wildfire, and Tom’s fingers ached from the grip he had on his phone and comforter, but he kept his tone soft. “You don’t have to tell me.”

“I don’t think I can. Not yet. Maybe not ever.”

“I can guess that you told him, and he couldn’t handle it, and he just left, right?” His free hand strangled the covers.

“Yes. He left me to deal with it by myself, after everything I’d done for him and put up with from him. I still can’t believe how selfish he was or how much I still hate him for abandoning me like that. Just when I needed him the most.” A sniffle, then she sobbed.

Helplessness ripped away his anger. If only he was with her. He could hold her, or her hands, or offer some other form of comfort. Although, considering her skittishness, physical expression might not be welcome. Words weren’t his best tool, but it was all he had, so he’d have to do his best. “He’s not worth your tears. He’s a fool and an idiot. And it may not have felt like it then, but you’re better off without him. He’s a loser. I don’t understand how anyone could ever abandon you, never mind during a crisis. The guy is slime.”

She sniffled. “Sorry. Wait a sec.” She blew her nose. He smiled; maybe he said the right thing after all, or she recovered on her own. That seemed more likely. Wiz was smart. “Sorry. I don’t do that usually.”

“No. Don’t be sorry. I’m happy to listen. I wish I could do more.” His free hand extended across his bed, reaching for her, so far away. He wanted to hold her, to comfort her, so badly his chest ached.


“Of course. Anytime.” He couldn’t hold her, so he’d get her focused on the positive—her success. “Did you kill him off?” It was a rhetorical question—he had no doubt she’d triumphed.

She laughed. “Yeah. I got him. He’s going to have to rebuild from level one. Hah! Take that, you jerk!”

He joined her laughter, thrilled not at her words, but at the joy in her voice, crowing victory. “I wish I’d seen it. I should have stayed online.”

“No, no, you were smart. It took me longer than I thought it would, and it’s really late. Oh. Oh no. I’m so sorry, I didn’t realize how late it is. Or early.”

He chuckled. “Don’t worry about it. I’m happy to talk to you whenever.” That was absolutely true.

“Yes, but you have a job to do; you have to be alert. I don’t want you to get hurt because you’re listening to me whine.”

“You’re not whining. And you needed somebody to talk to. That’s me. And we have ranch hands for a reason. I help with the work, but I don’t necessarily have to, unless someone’s sick. You can call me any time. Really.”

“Thanks. I feel better.”

“Good. Wiz, none of this was your fault. None of it.” He’d have to say those words until she believed them.

“I, uh, should let you get some sleep.”

He’d pushed too hard. “If you’re all talked out.”
