Page 101 of The Mystery Writer

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“I’m sure nothing that happened was because he was old, Gus, and I think Theo did love him—you don’t get to choose for other people.”

“Yes, that’s a stupid bloody rule.”

Mac smiled. “For what it’s worth, I thought your sister was…” He faltered. “We’ll find her, Gus.”

“God, I hope so, mate. I’m not sure I can live with having failed her twice.”

Mac broached the subject then, tentatively, because Harmony had already been too much. “We should probably track down your parents before we head back.”

Gus face darkened. He groaned. “Yes, I suppose we should. God…I told them I would look after her. What am I going to tell them now?”

Mac kept his eyes on the road. “I don’t know, Gus. Maybe just that we haven’t given up.”


Gus located Paul and Beth Benton in the fishing village of Strahan on the west coast. According to a small notice on the Tourism Tasmania website, the Bentons were the headline act at the local hotel.

Mac and Gus headed out from Hobart early, driving through the rolling hills of the Huon Valley to the wild and rugged west coast of Tasmania. Gus seemed to know most of the little towns on the way, pointing out the venues at which his parents had performed, funny stories, mostly about tough crowds and local trivia. Mac could sense he was nervous.

A former port, Strahan was built between two picturesque coves in Long Bay, which itself formed part of Macquarie Harbour. The road into town wound through bushland so the water came as a surprise—a picture postcard town on the water. Mac and Gus arrived at the hotel while the Bentons were still onstage, performing a set they’d dedicated to Theo—a very large hirsute man sang folk songs and played guitar alongside a petite backup vocalist with a tambourine and a still discernible Boston lilt. Mac and Gus took a table and watched unobtrusively for a while.

When Paul Benton finally noticed them, he finished his song and announced that the show was over. Gus stood to greet his parents, both of whom were crying before they reached him. Mac went to the bar to give them time.

Gus came to get him about an hour later. “Come on, they’d like to meet you.”

And so they sat and shared a meal of chicken parmigiana and chips. Despite appearances, it seemed that Paul and Beth had also been searching for Theo, certain that she would come home to Tasmania. But they had found nothing. Mac assured them that he and Gus would not stop looking for her. Every now and then, Paul Benton would embrace his son, enveloping him and holding on.

“For God’s sake, Dad, I’m trying to eat!” Gus muttered on the fourth occasion, but otherwise he didn’t resist.

“We did the wrong thing, didn’t we?” Beth said suddenly and quietly. “When we let him go. We should have called the police.”

“This has nothing to do with that, Mum,” Gus replied absolutely.

“Are you sure?” she said, looking into his eyes as if she was afraid what she might find there.

Then Mac understood. Paul and Beth Benton were not entirely sure that Gus hadn’t killed Dan Murdoch.

Gus’s smile was forced. He said nothing.

“Curtis turned up in Lawrence just after you were shot,” Mac said. “Perhaps that’s why—”

“Are you saying he took Theo?” Beth said, clutching for her husband’s hand.

“No, he’s been arrested,” Mac said quickly. “What I mean is, perhaps that’s why Theo left. With Gus in the hospital and me behind bars, she might have thought it safer to disappear for a while.”

Beth regarded him sharply. “Then where is she? You said this man has been arrested—why hasn’t she come back?”

Gus intervened. “If we knew where she was, Mum, we’d just go get her.”

“Dammit, Gus, why did you let her stay?” Beth turned on him angrily. “She would have been safe here!”

Gus’s eyes hardened. “Safe?” he said bitterly. “Like she was in Harmony?”

“Bethy.” Paul reached for his wife.

“Is she dead, Gus?” Beth demanded. “Is your sister dead?”

Mac stepped in as Gus was starting to look a little battered. “There’s no evidence that Theo’s dead, Mrs. Benton. We’re not going give up.”
