Page 11 of The Mystery Writer

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He smiled, though a hint of real concern lingered in his eyes. “You’ve got to be careful falling for an American, Theo. They’re not as direct as Aussie blokes.”

“It really isn’t that.”

“So tell me then?”

Theo groaned. She told him then, partly because he clearly didn’t intend to stop poking until she had, because she didn’t want him to jump to conclusions, and because she felt some compulsion to confess the hubris, the madness that made her ask Dan Murdoch to take her manuscript to his agents. “I made a complete and utter fool of myself, Gus.”

“You asked him for help—how is that making a fool of yourself?”

“I don’t know. I just feel like I did.” She liberated another piece of pepperoni and proceeded to tear it into smaller pieces. “Who did I think I was, asking Dan Murdoch to take my manuscript to his agents?…He must think I have tickets on myself…”


“I saw that look in his eyes, Gus. That oh-God-how-do-I-get-out-of-this look.”

“I know it well.”

“I imposed too much.”

“On what?”

“Our friendship. Maybe he thinks I planned this all along, that I—”

“Now you’re being absurd.” Gus filled the kettle and set it on the stove. At some point, he couldn’t remember when, Gus had fallen into the habit of drinking tea with pizza. In public he drank beer like everyone else, but this was his kitchen with only his sister to bear witness. “There are plenty of other reasons he may be reluctant to take your book to his agents.” He sat down again while he waited for the water to boil. “For one thing, maybe he’s about to drop his agents, or they him.”

“You don’t understand Gus—he wouldn’t leave Day Delos and Associates. They are the best agency in the country…probably the world. Being represented by them virtually guarantees your career. Leaving would be like—”

“—throwing away an ANU law degree?”

She stopped.

Gus poured her a cup of tea. “Either way, Theo, this bloke and his agency aren’t your only option. You can send your manuscript out to other agents.”


Gus squinted at her. “But you wanted him to like it?”


“Are you in love with Murdoch?”

Theo shook her head, but hesitantly.

“But you’re on the way?”

Theo was a little startled, but she answered truthfully. “Maybe… I’m not sure. I still don’t know how to read Americans, Gus.”

He smiled. “You’ll get used to them. It just takes a few years.” He bit into another slice of pizza as he considered the wisdom he was obviously about to impart. “They’re generous—possibly the most generous people in the world—but they’re also a bit paranoid. That’s why they have guns…or maybe it’s because they have guns. It may be that Murdoch wants to help you find an agent, but he’s concerned that your manuscript is a bit too good. That introducing you to his agents might relegate him to second favorite child.”

Theo’s brow arched. “I think perhaps you should be the novelist.”

He laughed. “Wouldn’t the ancients love that?”

Theo sighed as she thought about their parents. “I’m going to have to tell them soon.”

Gus raised a finger. “I was thinking about that. Perhaps you should send them your manuscript.”

