Page 47 of The Mystery Writer

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Theo answered as best she could. She wasn’t certain about the exact times, and the questions were asked in such quick succession and so repeatedly that she became confused.

“What is your relationship with Cormac Etheridge?”

“He’s a friend of my brother’s.”

“But your brother is not home.”

“I think Gus asked him to check up on me.”

“And why exactly do you need to be checked up on?”

“I don’t.” She turned to Mendes. The detective knew Gus; surely this wouldn’t surprise him. “My brother is occasionally overprotective, and considering the events of the last couple of weeks, he wanted to make sure I was all right, I guess.”

Mendes’s face revealed nothing. “And he sent Mr. Etheridge to do that?”

“I think sent is too strong a word.”

The door to the interview room was opened sharply. Gus Benton walked in. He was visibly furious. He sat down beside Theo. “I understand my sister has been here for three hours.”

“Miss Benton has come in voluntarily to assist with our inquiries.”

“Excellent. I assume that in the past three hours you have made all the inquiries with which you require assistance. I’m taking Theo home.”

Mendes put up his hands. “Of course. But you should know that we’re currently searching your home under warrant.”

Theo noted that Gus had the ability to swear with a look. He directed that look at Mendes.

Mendes loosened his tie a little.

Gus stood. “Come on, Theo, we’d better head back and make sure someone explained this bloody warrant to Horse.”

Gus put his arm around his sister as they walked out of the station. “Are you all right, mate?”

She embraced him. “I’m glad you’re back, Gus.”

“We have a bit to talk about.”

Theo turned back toward the station. “Mac…”

“Mac’s fine—he called me as soon as he got out.”

“Is he still here?”

“No, he left when I arrived…said he’d come by tonight.”

Theo nodded.

Gus frowned. “You look knackered… Let’s grab a pizza and head home.’’

The police were just leaving when they arrived. They served Gus their warrant on the way out and stopped to say goodbye to Horse, who wagged happily at his new friends until he noticed Gus.

Gus shook his head as he rubbed the hound’s belly. “You’re a bloody hopeless guard dog, Horse. I might as well have a cat.”

Theo looked around, horrified by the mess. Everything had been pulled out and placed in piles around the room. “I told them about the letter, I said I’d give it to them—they didn’t have to…Oh, Gus, I’m so sorry.”

Gus rubbed his jaw. “Not your fault, Theo. Anyway, this is how it always looked before you moved in.”

Theo walked into the kitchen, hoping, but she was greeted with a similar mess, and worse. “They’ve taken my notes,” she said.
