Page 53 of The Mystery Writer

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Theo flinched. “Are Mr. Hayes and Mr. Crane very upset?”

“Yes, but they’ll get over it. Your brother is a very good attorney, Theo, not to mention a partner. They can’t fire him.”

“But this isn’t good for Gus or the firm.”

“No.” Mac spoke gently. “But it isn’t your fault. You didn’t ask for any of this.”

Theo blinked furiously, undone for a moment.

“Gus wanted me to make sure you were all right. It was all I could do to stop him coming with me. Believe me, Theo, he does not hold you responsible for this in any way.”

Theo wiped her eyes with her sleeve. He handed her a handkerchief.

“What am I going to do about them?” she asked glancing toward the front door.

“Snow is forecast for tonight. It should clear them.”

“But they’ll come back?”

“The police don’t seem to have any other suspects, so probably.”

Theo stared at him. “I’m a suspect?”

He took her hand and said calmly, “Only because they haven’t got anyone else at this stage.” He waited until her breathing slowed a little. “Don’t be frightened, Theo. We’re going to sort this out.”


Who is Theodosia Benton? Why is she a person of interest in the murder of Dan Murdoch?


She must belong to the Labyrinth. The bitch killed Primus!



Why hasn’t she been arrested? Someone needs to lock her up!

Loyal Boy

It began to snow heavily at about eight o’clock. Gus retuned home at nine. He looked tired.

“Looks like they’ve gone,” he said, removing snow-dusted layers while greeting Horse and shaking Mac’s hand. He put his arm around Theo. “Are you all right, Wombat?”

Theo nodded. He’d not called her Wombat since they were children. Since she’d decided she was too old for the nickname their father had given her. She smiled tightly. The idea of hiding in a burrow underground was very appealing at that moment.

“I’m sorry, Gus. I didn’t know that she—”

He interrupted her apology. “Of course, you didn’t. It was only a matter of time before the press got interested, Theo. We were both at the crime scene.” He grimaced. “We’d better talk to the ancients tonight in case the Australian press picks up the story.”

“Do you want a grilled cheese?” Mac asked, returning to the kitchen where he and Theo had been trying to make dinner.

“Yeah, sure.” Gus grabbed a Copperhead from the fridge and sat down at the kitchen table. “We need to convene a bit of a war cabinet, I reckon.”

Mac nodded. “The ladies and gentlemen of the free press will be back unless the police arrest the real killer tonight.”

“So they believe the same person killed Dan and Mr. Winslow?” Theo placed a pile of grilled sandwiches in the center of the table.
