Page 57 of The Mystery Writer

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“Don’t be ridiculous, George!” Gus stood between Theo and Mendes. “Someone tried to kill Theo.”

“Someone shot at your house, Gus—it wasn’t a sniper attack. Judging by the crowds, Mr. Murdoch’s readership is the devoted kind.”

“But to try and shoot someone—” Theo stopped as she remembered what Veronica Cole had told her about Dan Murdoch’s fans, the reason they had tried to keep his image and his location out of the public domain.

“Anyway,” Mendes continued, “there remains the possibility that the shot was intended as a warning for you, Gus, rather than your sister. Lawyers are not always popular.”

“Why would my clients suddenly start shooting up my house?”

“I’m just pointing out the possibility.”

“What are you going to do about protecting Theo?” Gus demanded.

“We have no real reason to expect a repeat of this incident, but you both might need to stay in a hotel for a while. At least until forensics finishes with your house. We can arrange for you to collect what you need in terms of clothing and toiletries.”

“That’s it?” Gus was furious. “Someone tried to kill my sister and all you can suggest is that we go to hotel! George, for God’s sake—”

“No that isn’t all I can suggest.” Mendes bit back. He reached inside his jacket and pulled out a folded newspaper, which he tossed onto Theo’s bed. “I also recommend your sister stops giving interviews!” He turned on his heel then and walked out.

Theo tried to open the paper, but her hands were trembling too much. Gus took it from her. Mary Cowell’s article. A feature on the death of beloved novelist Dan Murdoch. The accompanying picture however was not of Murdoch but of Theo, taken while she was at Aimee’s and without her knowledge. The article talked about the brutal slaying of Dan Murdoch and his “friend” Burt Winslow in the university town of Lawrence, Kansas. It presented Theo Benton as the connection between both deaths.

“I’ll sue the buggery out of her and the fuckin’ paper!” Gus was apoplectic.

The room seemed to close in on Theo. She began to shiver, her breathing became shallow, and Gus forgot about his threats of legal action.

“Theo, are you okay?” He called for help.

It arrived promptly. “Delayed shock,” the doctor said as the nurse checked Theo’s vitals. “I’m afraid I’ll have to ask you to leave, sir.”

Theo felt a little embarrassed when Gus and Mac were allowed to come in. The doctor had put her on a saline drip and various monitors. She felt a bit of a fraud. “I’m fine,” she said before Gus could utter a word. “Really.”

“You scared the hell out of me,” Gus said.

“I’m sorry,” she said. “I overreacted.”

“Actually, I don’t think you did, mate…but try not to do it again.”

Theo looked at Mac. “Did you find Horse?”

“He’s at my house. The housekeeper is keeping an eye on him.”

“Is he okay?”

“I had a vet check him over. He’s fine.” Mac pulled up a chair beside the bed.

Gus sat on the end of it. “We’re going to have to figure out what we’re going to do.”

“Can we go home?”

Gus shook his head. “They want to keep you overnight, just in case. But, Theo, it’s too dangerous to go back to my place.”

“A hotel?”

“I’m not sure that would be any safer. Regardless of what George Mendes thinks, I doubt very much that some overexcited book fan shot at the house.”

Mac agreed. “Why don’t you come and stay at my place for the moment? It’ll be more secure than a hotel.”

Theo began to protest the imposition, but Mac waved it away. “Let’s call it settled then. Can you tell us exactly what you remember, Theo?”
