Page 7 of The Mystery Writer

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For a while Theo typed and deleted and glowered at the screen, consciously refusing to look in the direction of Dan Murdoch and his confidant. But she was aware when they rose and walked together toward the door. Theo forced herself not to look up until Dan came back into Benders and slid into her booth.

“Hello,” he said.

She smiled quickly, brightly. “Would you like a coffee? Or have you already had one with…?”

He regarded her curiously. “Ronnie? We didn’t have coffee. She’s my agent.”

Theo’s eyes widened. “That was an agent.”

Dan smiled. “Yes, a real live agent.”

“I’ve never…”

“I’ll introduce you next time.”


He laughed now. “Theo, I said agent, not rock star.”

“Were you talking about your new novel?”

“Not exactly. Ronnie was just checking in…making sure I’m doing as I’m told.”

“As you’re told?”

He shrugged. “I’m just kidding. The new manuscript is not ready for her to see yet. She was checking to see I hadn’t got stuck.”

“It must be wonderful to have that kind of backup.”


“How did you find her?” Theo asked. “Your agent?” It was more than an idle curiosity. Her own manuscript would be ready soon.

“Day Delos came to me.”

“Day Delos? You’re with Day Delos and Associates?” Theo didn’t even try to hide that it impressed her. “Why they’re—”

Dan sighed. “I need to get out of here for a while. You want to come?” He reached across and closed her laptop, and then his.


“Hurry up.”

Theo hesitated, but unable to find a good reason to refuse, slipped her laptop into her satchel and left with him.

“Where are we going?” she skipped to keep up with his long stride.

“Field trip… A location I’m writing.” He grimaced. “I could make it all up, but this place has become something of a pop culture icon, so I thought I’d go gather some details to keep the kids happy.”

Theo laughed. “What kind of details?”


“What? Where are we going?” Theo pulled her coat tighter, reminded that summer had long since slipped away.

Dan put his arm around her, and despite the weight of it on her shoulders, Theo felt lighter. Inexplicably thrilled. “First we’re going to my house—it’s not far—to pick up the car…and then we’re going to drive out to Stull.” He bent down and lowered his voice into her ear. “It has a rather famous cemetery. Supposedly houses the gates to Hell.”

“You’re writing a horror story?” Theo asked.
