Page 11 of Light Betrays Us

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Looking up at her, I couldn’t take my eyes away from the sheen across those plump lips. “Sure I am, but more than that, I’m so turned on by you.”

“You are?”

“Yeah,” I whispered, unbuttoning her shorts. I pulled the zipper down slowly. It sounded so loud in my quiet apartment. “Have been since the first time I arrested you.”

She gulped.

“Devo, if this is too fast, just say it. I-I don’t wanna read the signals wrong. I don’t usually do stuff like this.”

It was fast, but wasn’t that what she wanted? A hookup? Wasn’t that what the whole convoluted conversation in her truck had been about? I hadn’t been lying; I’d never brought someone home with me for a quick fuck before.

But something about Devo and the way she was looking at me made me think that, if I’d said no, I would’ve regretted it forever.

It was a one-time thing. It had to be. My job made it so I couldn’t make a habit of these kinds of meetings. Like a hole in the head, all I needed was the residents of Wisper saying to each other, “Did you know Deputy Lee is a lesbian?” It would distract people, which would make it harder for me to do my job well.

“No.” She straightened her shoulders. “It’s just that, besides Dede—who, let’s be honest, everybody knew was a ‘fuck and run’ kinda girl—the last time I was with a woman, it was someone I was in a relationship with. It didn’t end well. She really hurt me.” She blushed, her light-brown cheeks deepening to a dusky rose color. “Maybe I made it sound like I was used to this… this kind of thing, but I’m not.”

“I’m sorry,” I said, feeling a stab of anger for whoever Devo’s ex was.

She’d mentioned living on a reservation in New Mexico tonight, but I’d already known that about her. I’d never forgotten any of her personal information. How could I? She’d lived a pretty interesting life, and maybe I’d become a little smitten with her. It was probably just attraction, but I’d heard her once telling someone at Ace’s House about her childhood.

And I thought I remembered something about her ex-girlfriend. Did she live close? Would they get back together? Looking in Devo’s eyes, I saw goodness there. I couldn’t understand why anyone would ever hurt her.

“But you got me beat. Like I said, I’ve never actually had a real relationship. Not a serious one.”

She frowned. “Why not?”

“Dunno.” I shrugged, my shoulders lifting her hands with the movement, and she gripped them harder, like she was afraid she’d fall off my lap. She didn’t need to worry. My hold on her hips grew stronger by the second. If I hadn’t left fingerprint bruises there, I would’ve been surprised. “I have to be careful ’cause of my job.” I took a steadying breath. That was the last subject I wanted to talk about now. “Never mind. Story for another time.”

Touching her stomach tentatively, I flattened my hand on her skin and turned it, pushing beneath the waistband of her shorts and her underwear while I leaned closer. Her belly was so cute, with a soft little pudge beneath her navel. I traced it with my thumb, and my heart raced as I slipped my fingers between her thighs and lifted up till I felt the wetness I couldn’t wait to taste. I couldn’t seem to look away from her deep brown eyes. Nervousness flashed in them, but I also saw need and want.

“Don’t you hurt me,” she said on a breath. “Promise me.”

“Deal,” was my reply right before I pulled her down to my mouth with my other fist on the back of her head, tangling that sexy black hair in my fingers, begging for her to come closer.

But I wouldn’t promise anything. I never made them. They were too easy to break, and when a promise had been broken, well…

Nothing in the world felt worse.

It seemed like Devo’s nerves flew right out the window then. She dug her knees into the couch cushions beside my thighs, lifting up above me so I had better access to her pussy, and I took advantage and slipped the pad of my thumb over her clit.

She moaned loudly, and breath forced its way out of my mouth all choppy, but I closed my eyes, trying to find calm inside, trying to imprint this night in my mind, to concentrate on what she felt like, what touching her skin felt like, and what kissing my fantasy made me feel. She’d barely touched me yet, but touching her was ecstasy.

She was soft and warm beneath my hands. Her body had give, but she felt delicate somehow, like I might break her. I knew I wouldn’t, but the thought made every smooth glide of my fingertips across her skin exciting.

I’d already licked her lip gloss away. It tasted like cherries jubilee ice cream. Her lips were swollen and wet, and I wanted to bite them. They left trails of her saliva over my lips, and she kissed me like she’d die if she didn’t, like she couldn’t help herself from plunging her tongue in my mouth over and over. I thought I might die and wither away if she stopped. The moment felt velvet and electric. Devo’s slow and languid tongue stroking against mine made me chase more of the hot, wet pressure. She made me desperate to kiss her deeper.

I already knew I could get addicted to this—to the way kissing her made me feel. Somehow, confidence flowed through me, and I didn’t feel so nervous anymore.

Her eyelids fluttered, eyelashes batting lightly over her cheeks, like she was surprised at how good our kiss was. It hadn’t surprised me. I’d known since I saw her carrying her pizza tonight that I wanted to kiss her, and all it took was one look in her eyes to know it would be good.

The pizza had been forgotten on the seat of her truck, but we could zap it in the microwave later.

The kiss was so good that I’d forgotten where my hand still was. I tilted my head, kissing her harder, trying to wipe her surprise away with my tongue and my hand as I added a second finger to the rubbing I was giving her between her legs. She was soaked already, and that fact made me wetter. I felt it welling and leaking, my own arousal dampened the insides of my thighs, and the warmth made me moan too.

When she pulled her shirt over her head, she was bare beneath it, like I’d thought. She could get away with it ’cause she was so tiny, but she wasn’t too skinny. Devo had some meat on her bones, and she was confident about it, about her body. It made me want her more.

“You’re beautiful,” I whispered, locking my eyes on hers, and she gasped as I lowered my head and licked a nipple into my mouth, feeling the other hard bud with the back of my free hand. Her breasts were pretty, small but full, teardrop-shaped perfection.
