Page 114 of Beautiful Haze

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“I’m kidding. We’re not having sex, but I do have a pregnancy test if you want to take it.”

“Why the fuck you got one?” York cut his eyes at Conner and she rolled hers.

“None of your business. Come on, Cali.”

“Mannn, let me take my ass home.” He glared at Conner. “All your shit is in here. Don’t call me if you need anything.”

“I won’t and I can’t. I don’t have your number.” She flashed a smile and dragged Cali with her. As soon as they were in Conner’s room, she began digging through a box. She surfaced with a double pack pregnancy test.

“Why do you have that?”

“I wasn’t having any kids by that man. The one time I had a scare I bought like ten of these to be sure. They were all negative. This is the only one I have left.”

They shared a look and Cali’s expression softened.

“You need to tell me everything, Conner. Even if I don’t like what I hear.”

Conner nodded and extended the box. “One day, but not this day. I’m not ready yet. Here, take this and go.”

When Cali stepped out of the bathroom with a soft smile, Conner hugged her tightly. “Yeah?”

“Yeah…” Cali nodded, additional confirmation.

“Well shit, you’re gonna be a mom.”

“I am.”

Conner released her sister and gently shoved Cali toward the door. “Go tell his impatient ass. I can hear his anxieties all the way in here.”

Cali barked a laugh and as soon as she stepped into the living room War’s intensity swallowed Cali. But unlike Conner said, he wasn’t anxious. His demeanor was relaxed. Cali walked up to him, lifted onto her toes, and brushed her lips across his before she whispered, “We’re having a baby.”

To which he returned the same statement, smiling into the kiss. “We’re having a baby.”

He held her tighter. “My birthday.”


“See how shit happens when you least expect it? And for all the right reasons. You know I got y’all, right?”

“I know and I love you because you work hard to make sure I know.”

He smiled and kissed her forehead. “About fucking time. I’ve been here, just waiting on you.”

Loving you, needing you, knowing you love me too, you just needed the time for your brain to catch up with your heart…

The End!
