Page 32 of Beautiful Haze

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Cali ended the call, smiling a little too hard. There was something about War that made her feel good. He provided a sense of safety and familiarity and Cali needed both. Over the past few months, she had been approached by several men.

None who she felt the desire to entertain. They were handsome, had style, and were possibly even intelligent but none sparked any relevant feelings that had Cali intrigued enough to invest time getting to know them. In the weeks that she’d known War, there had been more than a spark of intrigue.

More like blazing flames. Not just sexually either. His aura was nice and warmed her soul. Cali appreciated the ease that came from talking to War, being around him, and just thinking of him. It was something she hadn’t felt since…


Deep inside she harbored a sense of guilt for moving on with life but she also felt peace knowing that Merritt wanted her happy. He would say it all the time. Don’t miss me when I’m gone, Cali. Love me now for what it’s worth, but when I’m no longer here, just know that I had you, loved you with all of me but didn’t deserve you.

Merritt wanted Cali to be happy even if that meant loving someone else. Until meeting War, she didn’t think she could. For the first time since she lost Merritt, Cali understood the possibility of life without the man who blazed into her life and left her heart in pieces.

“They’re closed.” Cali looked around as they entered TasTey’s. She had never been here before.

“To the public, yeah, but not for us.”

“You know the owner?”

“She’s a friend. I called in a favor.”

“What kind of favor?”

Like a you two used to fuck kind of favor?

“Not that kind. She’s just cool people and very married. We have never been like that. But she’s a dope ass chef and anytime I can get on her schedule, I make that happen.”

“A chef?”

“Yeah, Teyon’s big time now but she still fucks with us little people from time to time.”

War spoke those specific words because he noticed Teyon enter the room from his peripheral. A smile teased his lips when she approached.

“I’m not big time but he’s right. I am busy so War got on the phone and did some begging for a favor. One I didn’t mind agreeing to. War is good people too. A little spoiled and demanding...” He caught Teyon rolling her eyes and chuckled. “But still good people.”

“Chill, Tey. I want you to meet someone.”

“Oh I will definitely meet her.”

“Yeah I bet with your nosy ass. This is Cali. Cali, this is Chef Teyon.”

“Nice to meet you, Cali.”

“Same. So you two do this a lot?”

“This, as in a private meal for a woman? No. But I’ve cooked for his family. Catered a few meals for his mother and sister a time or two. Birthdays mostly. War likes the finer things. Translation, he likes to show off.”

Cali’s eyes moved from Teyon to War and she smiled.

“Don’t let her gas you up. I’m not like her other clients. I appreciate good food and Teyon does the damn thing.”

“Speaking of, any suggestions today?” Teyon’s eyes moved between the two and Cali frowned, looking at War for help. She had no idea what to request.

“I’m cool with whatever.”

“Me too.”

Cali’s body warmed from the weight of War’s stare.

“Any allergies.”
