Page 36 of Beautiful Haze

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“So you didn’t tag along, swiping your card and carrying bags?”

“Fuck no.” He laughed at the thought.

War had never been that type. He kept his interactions with women on the low. Not that he was hiding them because when he fucked with someone heavy he didn’t care who knew. No one questioned his moves. However, he had never been the type that needed eyes on him and running up a tab at the mall with a beautiful woman was a sure-fire way to get attention.

The rest of his life focused on his moves when he allowed his face to be seen, it couldn’t be helped because of who he was. But attention wasn’t something War longed for.

His reputation made people curious about all aspects of his life including who he invited to his bed. They simply wouldn’t get confirmation from him. “I like to keep my life private so carrying bags and swiping cards has never been my thing.”

“But you’re here with me?”

I am.

The fact wasn’t foreign and hadn’t gone unnoticed to even War himself. He didn’t mind being seen with Cali. He didn’t mind the whispering that would follow either because it was going to happen. Word would spread fast that War Gerrad was seen openly spending time with a woman.

The funny part was he mostly didn’t mind because of the woman. Cali being tied to War felt good. In a sense it would create the narrative that she belonged to him. He selfishly liked the idea of that being true and understood why Merritt operated the way he had with Cali. She was something special.

The type of woman you wanted to be selfish with. Whereas Merritt kept her hidden away because he had other women in his life, no other woman had the right to claim War. No side pieces, a main girl, kids, or baby mamas he had to duck and dodge existed.

“Is that what you want? A man to walk behind you at the mall swiping his card and carrying your bags after a day of spending all his money?”

“No.” It rolled off Cali’s tongue so quickly War sensed she might have been offended but he pushed anyway.

“Not even with your ex?”

“No,” she stated just as firmly and tried to pull away but War kept his arm tight over her shoulders, preventing Cali from escaping. He felt her relax before she added, “We weren’t like that. He didn’t have to spend money on me. He would have…”

Every fucking penny he had. And so would I.

“We were just chill, I guess. It’s what I liked most about him.”

“I fucks with it.”

The two approached a store and Cali pulled back. “Can we go in here?”

War glanced at the window staged with a display of candles.

“We can do whatever you want.”

“She has the best candles but I didn’t know she had a spot at the mall.”

War tilted his head to the side and pointed to the sign. “It’s temporary. Looks like a pop-up shop.”

“Makes sense, her store is Light My Flame. These candles are so good but expensive. I might need you swiping your card after all.”

“You got it,” War said with certainty. He would buy the entire damn inventory if that was what she wanted.

They entered the shop and while Cali browsed, War returned texts that had been lingering since he met up with Cali. There was nothing urgent. Since going legitimate he was now blessed with true business hours. Hustlers never slept. Not even the boss but these days he was a boss of a different kind. The money stacked at a slower rate but his freedom was never in question. War wouldn’t complain.

While Cali shopped, he watched her move, loving everything about her. The carefree way she would smile when she liked something or the frown when the scent wasn’t one of her favorites had his dick hard. Simple things about the woman kept War engaged. That was new but he liked it. After he was sure she smelled a million scents, Cali settled on her favorite six which War ended up swiping his card for and carrying the bags.

He claimed it was because the glass containers were too heavy but truly he just wanted to be in the moment to know what it felt like to make a woman smile. A woman he was falling for, hard and fast.

Their trip to the mall ended up with dinner at Nawlins after which War drove Cali back to her car. Once she was safely inside and pulling away from the curb, he shot a text to let his people know he was falling through. Cali wasn’t the only obligation Merritt left behind for War to look after but Cali was the only one he no longer wanted to be because of her connection to Merritt.

Shit was getting more and more complicated by the minute and something had to give.

