Page 65 of Beautiful Haze

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War left Mahogany Books with a lot of heavy thoughts. The one plaguing him the most was starting something with Cali while he had issues lingering that could distract from fully investing in her the way he planned. The shit with Rez and what happened to Merritt needed to be handled, which had War driving across town to an area where he wouldn’t be welcomed.

When he arrived at the spot he knew he’d find the man who potentially held answers to questions keeping War up at night. He exited his car, strapped with a gun, knowing this wasn’t his space nor were these his people. The respect he earned over the years wouldn’t do shit for him in an area run by Rez. Either way, War needed answers.

The building looked abandoned but that was intentional. War stepped inside and was met by two of Rez’s guys who clutched AKs at their sides.

“The fuck you doing out here?” one said with too much bravado, but War paid him no mind.

“Tell Rez I need to holla at him.”

The guy looked War over and flexed his fingers around the weapon he was holding but didn’t respond which had War barking out another command. “Nigga, go get your boss. I know for sure he’s not leaving any real decisions to you. If you shoot me, you create a big problem for him which means he’s gonna light your ass up, if my people don’t get to you first. You willing to risk your life over sticking your chest out?”

His jaw flexed and War smirked, knowing shit wasn’t poppin’ off. Ol’ boy next to him tossed his chin. “Ay, go let Rez know this nigga’s out here.”

It took a minute but he followed orders and after a few minutes, he returned, mumbling for War to follow him. They traveled through the building to an area set up with sofas, pool tables, and flat screens on every exposed wall. There was also a stage with two women on poles butt ass naked while a few others were fucking off with some of Rez’s guys.

Rez didn’t immediately acknowledge War but eventually he spoke after expelling a cloud of smoke. “I thought your cousin was the reckless one.”

War’s fingers itched at the mention of Merritt. “There’s only a few things I’m willing to die for, family tops the list. Be fucking mindful.”

Rez smirked and lifted his red tinged eyes to War standing a few feet away. “You’re in my house, surrounded by my people. You should be fucking mindful, nigga.”

With an innate arrogance that didn’t change or for any situation or person, War lowered his chin. “I will light this bitch up and they might kill me before I make it out of here, but unless they manage to shoot me in the head before I get this gun in hand, then I’m taking your ass to hell with me.”

Rez chuckled and nodded in acknowledgment. He knew about War’s gunplay. Rez had shooters but none were guaranteed to get a clean shot that would ensure War wasn’t on point about how things would play out.

“You’re here, so whatever the fuck you have to say must be important. Say what’s on your mind, nigga. My time is valuable.”

War chose to keep things neutral for the moment and overlooked Rez bypassing his threat. “J’No?”

“What about him?” War noticed the shift in Rez’s demeanor and the way his eyes narrowed. A clear sign it wasn’t all love between the two.

“He touched down a month before Merritt got hit. He’s fucking Merritt’s baby mom. Shit doesn’t sit right with me.”

“Then why are you here? Take that up with him.”

“He’s your people.”

“Only in name. Everybody has rules but you know that. If you don’t play by the rules, you don’t get a pass, family or not. That nigga thought he could do what the fuck he wanted in my city. He can’t.”

War nodded in understanding. “So when I question him, if I don’t like what he has to say…”

Rez lifted the blunt and inhaled deeply, speaking through a cloud of smoke. “His business isn’t mine and mine isn’t his. I never had an issue with Merritt. The issues I have with you are personal and not attached to your people.” Rez glared at War. They had history and a few times that history ended in the loss of a life, but through the years, they learned to co-exist. Problems meant losing money and both men were about their bread.

Rez was promising to stay out of whatever issues he had with J’No. War wasn’t sure he could trust that but didn’t fucking care. If it turned out J’No really was the person behind what happened to Merritt then he wouldn’t be breathing for long. If how he handled things started a war, then so be it.

“Long as we have an understanding,” War said and walked away but he paused when Rez spoke again.

“I know about Switch and your sister.”

War had his hand on his gun and turned, ready to start that war, but Rez only chuckled. “Relax, nigga. That’s not a threat. I’m just acknowledging I know they’re fucking around. Switch isn’t in this shit. He never has been. Do with that what you want. I’m not thrilled about who he chose to let in his bed but that nigga is grown. There’s not much I can do about it. But let me be clear, just like you stated, there are only a few things I’ll go to war over and family is at the top of that list. You got a problem, come see me. Don’t put him in the middle of it.” Rez inhaled from his blunt and spoke his last words. “Now that, my nigga, is a threat and a muthafuckin’ promise.”

War smiled and lowered his hand. “Then I guess we’re not all that different because if my sister ends up in the middle of some shit you or Switch put her in, I will fucking end you and everyone you have half an emotion about.” The hostility and disdain in his voice was enough of a promise.

He walked away with confidence that dared Rez to make him prove just how serious he was about anyone touching his sister.


“I thought you were getting off at eight,” Conner greeted Cali as soon as she walked in the door. She leaned against the counter, eating from a whipped cream container which would have normally annoyed Cali but this time Conner got a pass because she was here, safe at her apartment.
