Page 80 of Oracle

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Holden's father gazed at him and then back at Lily. “You two are twins?”

Konner came up to stand near them. “Triplets. Except I am not alive, in the strict sense of the word.”

Shalen inhaled and froze, his eyes running over the man before him. Noting the slight glow and the impression of wings one got when standing close to him, he exhaled in surprise. “Angel?”

Konner nodded.

“Well, fuck.”

We agreed with him. The Sarabas’ lives had been difficult, and it didn’t look like we were at the end of the crappy times. But the three also had joy in their lives. Our pack had found them and provided safety. And of course, there was the happiness they had with Alemos, who was a piece of their family heritage.

Lark and Lily also had Lexi's and my strength and love, being their true mates. Konner had his own shit going on, but his best friend was by his side the whole time.

Shalen glanced around the room. “We are getting close.”

Tamerin nodded. “Yes. Everything is starting to align. The triplets—Gatekeeper, Oracle and Protector. All the others—Hybrid, dragons, witches, and—” He stopped and stared at Justin.

The young man smirked at him, waving one hand. “Berserker here. My Alphas are Berserkers as well.”

The three Universa exchanged another glance before Tamerin grunted.

“Well, Berserkers too, I guess. We are just missing one who can read the soul strands.”

Maggie cocked her head. “Do you mean can see what people are? Their colors? If they are good or bad? Or a mixture of species? Or detect if they are alien?"

Belesh’s eyes snapped to hers. “Yes. Why do you ask?”

She shrugged. “I can do that. Once James and I were bonded, he was able to see them as well, when he is a spirit dragon.”

Shane peered around. “Speaking of which… Where are the dragons?”

I chuckled. “Xotchi decided to return to her cave. After mentioning the heated water, James wanted to go wallow in it. Except he invited his mother. It is my understanding the lake was big enough to hold all three in their dragon form.”

Justin barked out a laugh. “It was. It was so funny! Evangeline kept getting between the other two, making a nuisance of herself.”

Belesh opened her eyes in horror. “They didn’t fight, did they? They didn’t destroy my equipment?”

Konner shook his head. “No. They were good. Just exchanged snarky comments and then went to loll in the water. They looked like very large bloated dead fish in the lake, but the sounds coming from their snouts were of pure bliss.”

Maggie giggled. “I can imagine. James has a small hot pool in his home. He can’t enter it as a dragon, but he still makes those noises when he is soaking. I bet he was in heaven.”

Konner nodded. “He was. They all were. Xotchi is staying there. She shifted and went off somewhere in the cave. Evangeline told James he needed to go with her to retrieve something, so they flew off together. They said they would be returning afterwards.”

Maggie’s face went slack as she stared unseeing at the floor. After a moment, she smiled. “Evangeline isn’t coming back right now, but James is returning. He should be here soon.”

Shalen frowned at her. “And what is he?”

I think he finally realized that few here were just normal human. In fact, Shane being an Alpha lycanthrope or Ravenal being a witch seer were probably the most normal in this house right now, besides his own mate.

Maggie answered, “Fire, ice and spirit dragon. Some call him the King Spirit Dragon and me the Queen Omega. Not sure where that came from, though.”

All three Universa bowed their heads, the movements elegant given two of them had their arms full. Lauren, the only one of Holden's triplets still standing, curtsied, her motions smooth as if she had practiced it many times. “Greetings, King and Queen.”

The voices of the Universa and the little girls merged as a chorus of one.

Maggie shivered. “Seriously, what does that mean?”

Tamerin and Shalen exchanged a look before Tamerin turned back to her. “You will find out soon enough. First, we need to give the Korchamen to the Oracle to study. Then we should make plans. We have little time. I feel—”
