Page 85 of Oracle

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The winds whirled around us, grabbing at my clothes and pushing us away from something.

Find the core. The center. That which is being protected. Renth's words were loud in my head.

I nodded. He was right. I studied the pattern of the wind gusts and determined where I wanted to investigate.

“There, Soren. Try to go to that spot.” I flung the raven high, and he flew into the dark blotch I had envisioned in my mind.

The lecanifer and I linked with him, seeing through his eyes as he dove straight for the region I had directed him to.

An old lady sat in an old rocking chair in the middle of a funnel of air. Her gaze was up into the sky, if you could call it that, not noticing Renth and me in front of her.

As Soren arrowed down towards her, she let out a small scream, throwing her arms up to cover her head. The winds paused with her distraction, allowing Renth and me to rush across the space, moving directly towards her.

Her eyes dropped down and once she saw us, the fierce winds started back up. But it was too late. We were too close.

I slid to a halt, dropping to my knees in front of her, trying not to touch her even though we were just inches apart. Renth sat beside me, tasting the surrounding air for threats.

Soren landed between the lecanifer’s ears, his black eyes watching the woman, his beak clacking to show his agitation.

“Hello. My name is Lily. And I am an oracle like you.” I kept my voice soft, not wanting to frighten her.

The woman’s eyes darted from the raven to the lecanifer to me, and then back around again.

“Oracle?” Her voice was rusty, as if she hadn’t used it for a long time.

I nodded, giving her a small smile. “Yes. I have been one all my life. I have even been able to study in Delphi.”

Hearing the name of that world, she screeched, throwing her hands up to cover her head.

Well, fuck. I wonder what Apollo had done to her. Reaching out one hand, I placed it on her bony knee, finally using touch to make a connection with her.

“Don’t worry. I escaped that place. My friends helped me. I don't think Apollo can come here, though. The only entrance is through the picture frame, right? That means he has no way for either him or Hermes to travel here. You are safe with us.”

She shook her head. “No, not safe. Never safe. He wants The Oracle. He thought I was her and tried to take me, but I was not. Not The Oracle. She hasn't come yet. But she will. Soon. Soon.”

Oh, no. She knew about the prophecy. How had she heard of it when she had been in here before Shalen had come to Earth? Had she prophesized it? “The Oracle? Did you see her? How about the others, like The Gatekeeper?”

The woman lowered her arms enough to stare me in the eyes. Her black pupils took over most of them, with only the slightest rim of green on the outside. “The Gatekeeper? He is alive? What about The Protector?”

She had. Another piece clicked into place.

“Yes. Those are my brothers. Lark has been called The Gatekeeper and Konner is an angel and The Protector, as well as Mother Earth.” I grinned at that thought.

“Your brothers?” Her arms came down further, and she reached one hand out to touch mine.

I nodded, flipping my hand so I could grasp hers. “Yes. We are triplets.”

Her mouth opened several times before she could push the words out, the volume so low that I had to lean forward to listen to her. “You are The Oracle?”

The awe in her voice rose and filled the surrounding space, and the winds changed. They now circled us, as if they wanted to protect her.

I nodded. "I am."

She leaned closer, both hands now grasping mine. “What is your full name?”

“Lilianne Sarabas.”

The woman burst out laughing as if my name released something within her. “You are of my line. My daughter, Miriam, is she your mother?”
