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Katherine stayed close to Lewis, escorting him to the side of the bed. She shot Marie a wide grin. “I’m happy you’re okay. We’ve all been on pins and needles. Especially Owen. We couldn’t get him away from your side all night.”

A smile lifted Marie’s lips, and warmth spread to her toes. She slid her glance toward Owen.

His hazel eyes held her gaze, and he shrugged.

Lewis cackled and leaned the cane against the bed. “You two have had stars in your eyes since you met. You shouldn’t be surprised the stubborn grandson of mine slept hunched over in a chair.”

“Says the man who falls asleep in his chair every day,” Owen said on a huff of breath.

Lewis clicked his tongue and focused his glassy eyes on her. “I’m glad your sister’s okay. Must have been scary when she went missing.”

Marie swallowed past the lump in her throat and nodded.

“I hope I get a chance to know her. Are you two staying in town for a while?” Lewis asked.

Marie fought the urge to seek Owen’s gaze. “I don’t know what we’ll do. I haven’t had much time to think about the future lately.”

Lewis cupped his palm under her chin. “You just got your life back. Not everyone is so lucky. Don’t waste it. Figure out what makes you happy, and fight like hell to keep it.”

Watery eyes blurred her vision. Lewis was right. She didn’t want to waste one more day of her life. Tomorrow would come and bring its own set of problems, but in this moment, she would live the life she wanted—be the woman she longed to be.

Lewis pushed aside a stray lock of hair and kissed her forehead. “My home is always open to you and that baby of yours, girl. You rest now but know when it’s time to decide your next move, I’m here.”

Emotion clogged her throat, and pressure built in her chest. “Thank you.”

Lewis grabbed his cane and turned to Katherine. “All right. Get me out of this germ trap before I catch my death.”

Katherine rolled her eyes and cupped Lewis’ elbow. “I couldn’t keep him away, and now he wants to leave. Stubborn old man.” Laughter softened her words.

Marie waited until Lewis and Katherine were out the door then fixed a grin on Owen. “He’s right. I don’t want to waste this second chance on life.”

Owen framed her face in his hands. “What would make you happy? Make you feel like you’re taking full advantage of the time you have?”

She gathered all her courage and sucked in a deep breath. “I want you.”

Owen leaned forward and captured her mouth in his.

Excitement erupted in her belly. The future might remain unclear, but right now she had everything she’d ever wanted.

A blue sky and warm, bright sun created a cheery atmosphere outside the car as Owen drove through the steep hills to Marie’s hometown. Inside the car was a different story.

Marie stared out the passenger window, her head pressed against the seat and her mouth in a tight line. Anxiety rippled from her in waves. Trepidation filled her core. The last conversation she’d had with her mother hadn’t gone well, and now that the words she’d held inside for so long were spoken, she wasn’t sure what to expect.

“Everything’s going to be okay.” Owen squeezed her knee.

She blew out a long breath, unconvinced. Owen had tried to persuade her to call her mom, but she hadn’t been swayed. Aching muscles and a bruised body took all her focus, not to mention the constant dread squeezing her soul, knowing she’d soon leave Owen to return home. She didn’t have the mental strength for another round of arguments with her mom.

All she’d wanted was to focus on taking care of Nora and spending time with Owen as she’d healed back at Safe Haven Women’s Shelter. Hell, if it were up to her, she’d never leave the safe home and the wonderful women she’d met in Pine Valley—women who’d come together to lift her up and offer assistance any way they could.

“Mom will be so excited to see you and Nora.” Renee bounced in the backseat.

She was either oblivious to Marie’s rigid nerves or was an expert at ignoring them.

Marie didn’t want to waste her limited time with Owen with her mind wrapped around her impending reunion. Pushing her anxiety down, Marie swiveled her neck in his direction and lifted the corner of her mouth. “Long-distance is going to be so hard.”

“We’ll be okay.” Owen tightened his one-handed grip on the wheel and maneuvered down the trail that wound around the handful of trailers.

The past couple of days had been filled with sweet kisses and long nights away from him. Renee had needed Marie to calm her when the nightmares swept in at night, and Nora needed her every other second in between. Owen had been patient and understanding, two things she’d never thought she’d find in a man.
