Page 11 of Threat Unleashed

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“I’m going to fucking kill him,” Jake snarled. “I’m going to rip his goddamn spine right out of him.”

“That’s not what I wanted to hear.” Sanjay got up from his stool and took a step back, still trying to shake off the memory of Matt.

“I’m sorry,” Jake said. “No one should have to go through that. I’m also sorry because that should have been my first thought to say to you, but, Sanjay, you’re my mate, and some bastard put his fucking hands on you.”

Briefly, Sanjay closed his eyes, a wave of dizziness overwhelming him.

“Shit.” Jake came from around the bar and led Sanjay to a cramped office, where he made Sanjay sit behind a desk. “Have you shifted to heal yet?” Jake hunkered down in front of Sanjay. “Do you need anything?”

“I passed out,” Sanjay reminded Jake. “I’m not sure why I didn’t shift to heal then.”

“It happens sometimes,” Jake replied. “Sometimes our animals are too dumb to realize we need to heal.”

“It was just a bump on the head,” Sanjay admitted.

When Jake probed Sanjay’s head, Sanjay whimpered.

“It’s a damn goose egg, hon. We’re going to leave here, and you’re coming to my place so you can do what you should have done already.”

Normally Sanjay would protest being bossed around, but Jake was right. He really did need to shift. “Fine.”

“Don’t sound so enthused about coming over,” Jake teased, and Sanjay knew he was just trying to break the tension, though Sanjay also knew that Jake still wanted to kill Trenton.

Maybe that would solve all their problems, including Dario’s.

“I’ll just follow you,” Sanjay said. “In case…”

“In case what?” Jake asked as he pulled his hands away from Sanjay’s head. “In case I can’t control myself around you?”

“That’s not what I meant,” Sanjay argued.

“Besides, you have a head injury. Driving would be dangerous and reckless, Sanjay. You shouldn’t have driven here. I could have picked you up. You have my word I won’t try to seduce you.”

Sanjay could tell that Jake’s mood had changed. He hadn’t meant to offend the guy. It was Sanjay’s past that kept him wary of wolves. Of any predator, for that matter. There had been times when Matt had used his animal to intimidate Sanjay, like shifting and snarling at Sanjay when the guy was really pissed off.

“I’m sorry.” Sanjay looked away. “I wasn’t trying to insinuate anything. I can just go home and shift. You don’t have to come with me.”

Sanjay’s heart was beating way too fast, and his fear was threatening to take over.

“Hey.” Jake tucked his fingers under Sanjay’s chin, forcing him to look into those amazing blue eyes. “I don’t know what happened in your past, but I’m not whoever fucked your head up, and I’m not like him. Got that?”

Sanjay nodded.

“I don’t make a move on you unless you’re onboard. I’m letting you call the shots when it comes to intimacy. So, we’re heading to my place, you’re going to shift, and I’m going to chill and make sure you’re okay while I enjoy a night to myself.”

“But you won’t be by yourself,” Sanjay pointed out.

Jake grinned. “Smartass.”

That grin and Jake’s teasing settled Sanjay’s nerves. “Okay.”

“And when you’re healed, you’re going to tell me who this Trenton guy is and where I can find him. Absolutely no one fucks with my mate and gets away with it.”

Jake opened the office door and stepped aside. Sanjay walked out, noticing how the noise level had risen to a fever pitch. He understood owning a business, and Jake’s bar seemed to be very popular, but Sanjay didn’t understand how anyone could deal with such chaos on a nightly basis.

It would drive him insane.

Jake took Sanjay’s hand and walked through the bar. More than one person glanced their way, and secretly, Sanjay preened at the jealous looks some people threw at him.
