Page 13 of Threat Unleashed

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“It’s not that easy, Jake.”

“What do you mean it’s not that easy?” Jake gritted his teeth. “He assaulted my mate, Cannon. If Sanjay would have been human, he’d be in the hospital right now. Do you honestly think I’m going to just sit here and—”

“Calm the fuck down,” Cannon growled. “It’s not that easy because all the calls we’ve gotten for disturbance were at his boyfriend’s house. His boyfriend refused to give us any information on the guy, though I did smell hyena that last time I was there.”

“Trenton is a shifter?” Why hadn’t Sanjay told him that? His mate had left that part out when he’d told Jake about being attacked.

“I can’t say for sure that it was Trenton’s scent, but it seemed convenient that we get the call from concerned neighbors about shouting and things breaking and when we show up, it’s only Mr. Walston there. The scent was strong, which meant we must have just missed his company.”

Jake gritted his teeth even harder. “And you have no idea where Trenton lives?”

“None, which is strange considering we have his last name,” Cannon said.

“If his boyfriend refused to cooperate, how’d you get his last name?”

“We’re not a pissant police force,” Cannon said, as if offended by Jake’s question. “We’re damn good at what we do.”

“Except finding out where an abusive asshole lives,” Jake shot back.

“I’m gonna let that go since your hackles are up about the assault,” Cannon replied. “We take the safety of our citizens seriously, especially when it comes to mates, Jake. I’ll let Sheriff Harper know what Trenton did. We’ll hunt him down.”

“No, I’ll hunt him down,” Jake said. “He attacked my mate. I’m going to rip his fucking arms from their sockets.”


He looked toward the floor to see that Sanjay was back in his human form and staring up at him.

“I gotta go. Find that info for me.” Jake hung up. “How’re you feeling?”

“Better, though I’m not sure what to think when I hear you’re going to rip someone’s arms out.”

Jake lowered to his knees and began to probe Sanjay’s head, forcing himself to ignore the fact that Sanjay was naked.

“Will you stop?” Sanjay batted at his hands. “I said I was better.”

“Why are you so testy?”

“Why do you have to be a wolf?” Sanjay’s brows shot up as he slapped a hand over his mouth, as if he hadn’t meant to shoot that barb at Jake.

Was it a barb? Jake leaned back on his haunches and studied Sanjay. “So you’ve got an issue with my wolf. I see.”

Jake didn’t want to admit how much that stung. Was that the reason Sanjay was so skittish around him?

“Not your wolf in particular,” Sanjay said after he lowered his hand.

“Just wolves in general.” Jake pushed to a standing position. “Do you think my wolf won’t be able to control himself and try to eat you?”

He had to figure out where Sanjay’s fears stemmed from, or they’d never have a shot at a happy life. Clearly some wolf had traumatized Sanjay. It seemed the list of the shifters Jake had to kill was growing.

Sanjay narrowed his eyes. “If you try, I’ll shove blueberries down your throat.”

“I said I didn’t like blueberries, not that I’m allergic to them.” Shifters didn’t have allergies. Was that the best comeback Sanjay could think of? “We have to work on your trash talk.”

“Where’re my clothes?” Sanjay looked around.

“You shifted with them on.” Jake crossed his arms as he stared down at the most gorgeous man he’d ever laid eyes on. He’d thought that the night they’d met. He loved Sanjay’s dark hair, the way the ends curled and kind of cupped his face. The hair color also made Sanjay’s hazel eyes pop.

And seeing his naked mate on the floor, his legs curled to one side… Damn, Jake needed a medal for the amount of restraint he was using. When a shifter found their mate, and the mate was preternatural, they usually sealed the deal right away. They knew how precious a mate was.
