Page 20 of Threat Unleashed

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Just then Deputy Wyatt Birch joined Cannon. “Couldn’t help but overhear your conversation. I’m in…whatever it is you’re planning.”

Sheriff Harper raised a brow. “What’s going on?”

“You remember the many calls we got from Dario Walston’s neighbors?” Cannon asked.

“Yes.” Sheriff Harper nodded. “Did you get another call?”

“Not exactly.” Cannon sat in the chair in front of Sheriff Harper’s desk. “It seems Trenton attacked Sanjay Tibball, the owner of Sweet Spot.”

Sheriff Harper and Wyatt both cursed.

“Is he okay?” Wyatt asked.

As far as Cannon knew, Wyatt had never met Dario, but he’d heard Cannon, and other deputies, talk about the calls and how Trenton Chesley was always gone before the cops arrived.

“Yeah, he’s okay. He’s also Jake Tafari’s mate,” Cannon said.

“Jake, the owner of Fearless Fox?” Sheriff Harper asked.

“The one and the same,” Cannon replied. “Now Jake’s out for blood, and we’re not going to be able to stop him. He wants me to run Trenton’s plate to find out where he lives.”

“I’m shocked Jake hasn’t killed Trenon already,” Wyatt said from behind Cannon.

So was Cannon. It had to have taken every ounce of self-control Jake possessed not to kill the hyena when they faced off on the porch. Cannon wasn’t sure he would have been able to stop himself if he had been him in Jake’s position.

Sheriff Harper sat forward, resting his beefy arms on his desk. “What’s the game plan?”

“I told Jake not to make a move without me,” Cannon replied. “Hyenas might be cowards, but they’re also underhanded. I don’t need Trenton getting the drop on Jake.”

“I agree,” Sheriff Harper said before looking at Wyatt. “Cannon will help Jake. I want you to stake out wherever Jake stashes Dario and Sanjay.”

“I never said he was stashing them,” Cannon said.

Sheriff Harper gave him a daft look. “Do you think he isn’t going to tuck them away somewhere?”

“I’ll swing by the bakery,” Cannon said. “I want to know Jake’s plan. I’ll call Wyatt afterward.”

“Keep me posted,” Sheriff Harper said. “If Jake goes in for the kill, handle the scene.”

Cannon nodded as he pushed to his feet. “You got it.”

Mates were to be protected at all costs, even if that mate didn’t belong to the person doing the protecting. They were a precious find, and Cannon would make sure Trenton didn’t hurt Sanjay again.

Or Dario. Even though Dario wasn’t a mate, he was helpless, and it gutted Cannon to know how much fear Dario had lived in for the past year.

If Jake didn’t put an end to Trenton, Cannon sure as hell would.

Chapter Six

“If it’s okay with you, I just want to be alone right now,” Dario said to Sanjay. “I’m not really in the mood to talk.”

Sanjay didn’t know what to say to his best friend. No words that came to mind seemed good enough to take away Dario’s pain. The human might be strong enough to resist Trenton, but it was evident that the guy was still in love with the hyena.

Or still in love with how Trenton used to treat him before he’d shown his true colors. It seemed Dario’s brain wasn’t ready to accept the fact that Trenton was no longer that caring, patient man.

Which Sanjay knew Trenton had never been. It had been a guise to lure Dario in. Pure deception. Men like Trenton, and Matt, used charm, laughter, and the pretense that they understood a person to make that person feel more at ease, to beguile them.

“I’ll lock everything up before we leave,” Jake said, his hand on the small of Sanjay’s back, bringing Sanjay a level of comfort he didn’t know he desperately needed at the moment.
